One thing that gets me about this is that there are a lot of posts asking where the coaches are in all of this, and there is even some blame on coaches for having their own separate coaches party. I coach a junior team and a mostly junior-aged senior team (not level 5 so we are not really involved). I set rules for them- in rooms by a certain time, no facebook after 10, etc. I do all of this to try and get them to go to bed so they're well-rested to compete. It's not an issue of misbehavior, drinking, etc.- I just know that I have kids who will be running around the hotel for half the night if I don't set rules that say otherwise. That being said, I set the rules but I count on the kids and parents to follow them. I genuinely can't force anyone to turn off the lights and go to sleep, but by setting the rules, I know that most of my kids and parents will follow them (and the ones that wouldn't follow them don't have anyone to stay up and goof off with).
Anyways, I think it's important for coaches to set a standard for behavior and make rules that athletes shouldn't be drinking at all, and certainly not at the block party at worlds. I would even go so far as to say that my athletes, drinking or not, wouldn't be allowed to go over to the block party- nothing good can come of it. However, I can't police everyone. Ultimately, our athletes travel and stay with their own families, and I can't, nor do I want to, be responsible for monitoring the behavior of that many kids for that many days. So coaches can set rules, but ultimately I think that counting on a coach/coaching staff for the entire enforcement of these rules is unfair- especially considering the wage that I am paid for entire competition weekends.