All-Star Allstar Resort/block Party

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I'm 17 and I have to say some of my closest friends were involved in this.... drunk-fest that's being referred to as project x, cheerleader style. I can't say I approve of it, but hope it doesn't force a change in venues. But I think the block party should be done away with. Everyone took advantage of it and could have gotten in heaps of trouble. You're at Worlds to compete and represent your program, from the second you step off the plane in Orlando, to the moment you arrive home. You're not there to participate in some drunkfest. I understand you are seeing some close friends you may not see often (#cheerleaderprobz) but I can think of much more satisfying and memorable ways to hang out with friends. I'd think you would want to remember your Worlds experience- and not be embarrassed by your actions. That's always a plus.

or maybe hopefully it does force a change in venues.... at least for the competition anyways... and yes, plz get rid of the block party all together, it'll save 40$ off the worlds package!!!
I was there when that happened! Sad thing is she dropped her vodka bottle out of her purse like 3 times in front of all the kids and was bragging about the prominent gym/team she used to cheer for. Shame she had to tarnish their name along with her own:( Then again Disney is selling beer in th ESPN bar and ouside at 3 different locations at WWoS so they are pretty much promoting drinking at a mostly minor age cheer event:(
I saw that too! A handle of vodka that looked as if it had been pre-mixed. How the heck did security let that in???
I think there are two big problems here (other than the obvious underage drinking)

1. At a regular competition, a huge percentage of people leave when the competition is over. With awards being so late and an after party as part of the package, I do not think any athletes leave worlds on sunday night. On Saturday night, you know you have to compete tomorrow.. so you're less likely to drink (the athletes. coaches/spectators are their own issue). When you're there an extra night with no commitments the next day and you have all of your friends, it's a disaster waiting to happen.

2. All the kids are in one, condensed place. Look at NCA.. it isn't a local comp for most, and awards run late here too. So many teams plan to stay until Monday morning. But, some people are leaving, and most are in different hotels all over the city. They are not also conveniently provided with a giant field and pool to congregate in.

Unless Disney or USASF steps in, I'm not sure the problem will get fixed. The gyms who want their athletes out of it will keep them out of it. They will stay off site and keep their kids away from the all star. The gyms who turn a blind eye or participate with the athletes will not change until change is forced. It's the unfortunate truth.
alexamarysouza since you mention it, I can see the look on some of the gym staffs faces now if our girls were caught involved in this. I think the thought of it is scary enough to keep them from doing it lol
One way to make SURE the gyms do not turn a blind eye is to call their athletes out as the offenders!(not by the kids names) If it was obvious which gyms that these drunk kids were from.... NO GYM WILL TOLERATE THEIR ATHLETES DOING THIS IF IT WILL BE BROADCASTED AND MAKE THEIR GYM LOOK LIKE THEY SUPPORT UNDERAGE DRINKING AND DEBAUCHERIES!! Sure, there will still be the random rebel kids that no one can completely control but I guaranty the gyms would really step in and lay down the law beforehand if they knew that their gym was going to be called out for these behaviors!
There were pictures posted on twitter of the alcohol bottles in the fierceboard section where they would refill their water bottles. Some people really think that if they post it on the internet to their twitter accounts it is alright, no really it isn't and it makes you look even worse. I know you are not 21 so why post a picture of your big vodka bottle? You don't look cool you look stupid.
and that is why i dont sit in the fierceboard section at worlds. im not going to "@" anyone, but they make themselves unbearable to be around. JUST SAYING... i understand if you have a desire to get drunk but um.....

who wouldnt want to get drunk/be hungover in their seat for hours and hours and listen to loud screaming people/music and be in a bright room..? sounds like a good time guys.....:cheering:
and that is why i dont sit in the fierceboard section at worlds. im not going to "@" anyone, but they make themselves unbearable to be around. JUST SAYING... i understand if you have a desire to get drunk but um.....

who wouldnt want to get drunk/be hungover in their seat for hours and hours and listen to loud screaming people/music and be in a bright room..? sounds like a good time guys.....:cheering:

Yeah there are people who are on this board who posted the twitter comments and pictures. The fact that there are children parents on here right before worlds asking about the fierceboard section and then to see the big bottles of vodka being hidden by purses, it made me nervous for those people. I can't tolerate people who are annoying when drunk so 9 times out of 10 I wouldn't be sitting in that section either. I would rather not have a headache all day long.
I think it is hypocritical for the USASF to say my 14 year old can't be on our internatonal team because they are worried about her being around the older kids on the team but openly advertised the block party where they were all together. I can't understand thier thought process. From what I have heard that party has got out of hand a little more each year.
One way to make SURE the gyms do not turn a blind eye is to call their athletes out as the offenders!(not by the kids names) If it was obvious which gyms that these drunk kids were from.... NO GYM WILL TOLERATE THEIR ATHLETES DOING THIS IF IT WILL BE BROADCASTED AND MAKE THEIR GYM LOOK LIKE THEY SUPPORT UNDERAGE DRINKING AND DEBAUCHERIES!! Sure, there will still be the random rebel kids that no one can completely control but I guaranty the gyms would really step in and lay down the law beforehand if they knew that their gym was going to be called out for these behaviors!
But in my case, I saw notable "cheerlebrities" doing some crazy stuff. Calling them out is like opening Pandora's Box unfortunately.
But in my case, I saw notable "cheerlebrities" doing some crazy stuff. Calling them out is like opening Pandora's Box unfortunately.

Then stop talking about it. It's like people who start threads about "I have the new SS Worlds music and it's amazing" but aren't willing to share. You posted once about it...why keep repeating yourself? (And I like you Andrew I actually looked for you this weekend but didn't see anyone that looked like your picture.) LOL Just let it go sweetie!

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