I think it is about empowering the judges. What? Empowering the judges? Yep, that is what I said.
Let us take the NFL for example (and even college football). Now that EVERY play is reviewable AND a coach can challenge calls the belief in fair and equitable refereeing has gone way up. Sure there are still mistakes, but I would be willing to be the general satisfaction in ref-ing has gone way up and is rarely part of the discussion when talking about who should have won a football game (as opposed to soccer... ughh).
Scoresheets, at the moment, should NOT be released. It would be unfair to judges. Even to the trained eye switching systems from week to week is going to produce inaccuracies. There are great, smart, and talented judges out there, but not enough to have ones who only work in one scoresheet. So you have either under talented judges having to be on a scoresheet because they will be more familiar OR very talented judges try and cross over on scoresheets.
I can look at a stunt on an NCA scoresheet and pretty much figure out exactly how something will score (and usually when I get our scoresheets back I am pretty close). But I was trying to help someone with a Jamfest scoring thing earlier this week and MAN am I out of my element. Yes I know skills, but it is soooo different and out of my comfort zone. How the heck can we expect a judge to make a smooth transition from one scoresheet to another and NOT make mistakes? Then release those scoresheets and expose the judges errors when we are asking them to take on an rather difficulty and impossible task.
And from a pragmatic standpoint it is NOT like the top teams at every competition change. That is the CRAZIEST part about it. It is not like CEA, F5, and WCSS go to Jamfest and we expect those three to NOT be battling it out for top spot. Yes, let us say WCSS is more favored on the Jamfest sheet (I dont know if they are, just for the sake of argument) how they perform and do will still be the deciding factor.
So, I ask this to the OP: If you believe that everywhere Top Gun Jags goes has a strong routine and should probably win, why does it even matter if the scoresheets are different if the results are all the same?
(this is not questioning TG's ability, duh they are good)