I wasnt going to say anything but....
The rockstar j2 routine was sick, but be honest people shouldn't be angry. The skills are on par with what they should be for a j2. Tumbling was good but nothing mind blowing, stunts were where they should be, and they are a beatable team. They did have great choreo in the running tumbling though.
Call me cynical but if you're a good coach that is a very beatable team especially since they only had a limited amount of time, plus it's not like we're talking having all of top gun's boys drop down to two here. If more people worried about doing their homework and coaching their own teams to the level they should be, sandbagging wouldn't matter. (not saying rockstar is sandbagging) the only advantage I see rock star having even with this stacked j2 team is they are just good coaches, I've never met any of them personally and couldn't vouch for that, but routines speak for themselves.
Personally I take pride in the fact that if you watched most of the teams in my gym tumbling right now you might think we were sandbagging. If You teach your tumbling right it should look like this teams, and your kids will progress faster, be safer, you'll have higher level teams, and if you run your business right, your size will grow. It's a matter of putting in the time, paying your dues, and have a little talent along the way. If I had a j2, which I don't, id love to compete against this team and I would even bet they could win or come really close, and if they lost, well I got out coached so it's back to the drawing board and it won't happen again. If you can't hang in your level maybe you're in the wrong one.
Sorry to be on a soapbox but I'm tired of seeing everyone whine about what the 'big guys' are doing when if they learned from the big guys they wouldn't be the little guy. .