This part I bolded is probably just the reason I'm defending this coach - at 24 I was a mother of a 3-year-old, single, and I worked in a nightclub (not Hooters...but we wore about the same outfit). And I'll be gosh darned (for lack of a more appropriate, message board-friendly phrase) if ANYONE is going to tell me whether or not that made me "suitable" or a good role model.
Because I want my daughters completely, utterly, totally surrounded by women who are strong enough to work (even at Hooters) and go to school (even at a "not so great" college), and still do the things they love (eg. coach cheer) - and raise children who know that it's important to do whatever you need to do to get by, important to always do something to better your future, and to always remember yourself and do something you love. I want my girls to see all kinds of women in their lives. I think she's a GREAT role model.