Sadly I was a Super Senior this year so my time at Marlins has come to an end and I will no longer be cheering. I can honestly say that cheering on Tsunami was the best experience of my life and I wouldn't trade in a single moment. I got to be there through the first year at worlds when we were just a small team from Maryland that no one knew, through last season when we decided to go large and everyone doubted us but we fought till the end and made top five. To be lucky enough to experience what happened this year at worlds made every second of those struggles worth it. I wouldn't trade in what I gained at Marlins for any trophy, jacket, or medal. We all love to win but I feel like I won more from this organization than just a title. I am a better person because of the way we trained and I will always be part of the family there. I learned that if you want something bad enough, you find a way to make it happen no matter what is thrown at you. Marlins doesn't recruit the best they create them from girls who are passionate about this sport and I think that if I had not tried out there, I would have missed out on something really special. I can not wait to see how my girls continue this journey and I'll be at worlds with my TSU gear on front and center. :( Sorry for the novel haha I just can't stop being emotional about this!