After I tore my ACL my jr year and was still having major issues senior year and couldn't do Allstars, I did high school cheer. I am 5'1" and I base. Well, my high school is a joke and the girl originally back spotting my group was pregnant (still got to cheer....) so she couldn't back. Knowing that I was the only person with natural talent to attempt to back spot, I had to back... On my tippy toes. Both big toe nails got pushed up into my feet so that all around my toenails was puffy and I had one enormous blister under each nail. I literally couldn't put shoes on, my crazy pornstar high school coach told me to practice barefoot. So I did, on the nasty wrestling mats we practiced on (barf). The base in that group stepped on my infected toenail, and it twisted and was ripped off. I bleed everywhere and the coaches reaction was "ew you need to clean that" I had to walk around the school barefoot to get paper towels to clean it while bleeding, I got a Mrsa infection in my toes. I have had 4 knee surgeries (ACL and both meniscus several times), back fractures, 4 broken arms.... And those toenails had to be some of the worst pain, right up there back fractures. I get where this girl was coming from.