I will never understand how somebody making an announcement to share something THEY are excited about sparks such negativity. This board is optional, if reading words in caps bother you so......read the ones typed in lower case letters or don't read them at all. I do believe the purpose was to inform people of a great program expanding to another area. Furthermore, if you think it's a non announcement then why bother respond? It amazes me how people find the smallest things to pick at and look for every opportunity to be negative. The announcement was made, the KIDS are happy because I think people forget it is ALL ABOUT THE KIDS. I wonder why some people even get on a "Cheer" board when they are anything but "cheerful"! Can somebody please direct the Debbie Downers to a complaint thread, geesh! Everybody is entitled to their opinion, it's just proper breeding to express them in a respectful manner :)