I am just crossing my fingers hubby gets selected for the parent job since she is going for two weeks. Last year this is what we did (FYY - I am military living in Korea so I can't go):
My hubby and another mom flew my daughter (8), her daughter (10), and another girl (10) to PA. They flew into Harrisburg on a Saturday and stayed at a hotel, rented a car and drove to Woodward Sunday morning and got the girls settled in. The mom of the 3rd girl flew up to PA and picked all 3 of the girls up and flew with them back to Florida. It worked out great!
This year, so far none of her friends are planning on going (maybe too early to plan). So our plan is for DH to *hopefully* get picked up for the parent position, fly with her up to PA, he stay the first week working, and he will fly home after the day after his work week ends. This way he can ensure all of her laundry, etc and stuff is set up for the second week (Yes I know you pay for laundry to be done, but he can ensure she gets set-up). If none of her friends go for the second week, we plan on paying the escort fee and for her to fly back by herself. She has flew on a plane may times (even international) but it would be her first time flying alone. I would really like for a couple girls from her gym to go, but we shall see.