This is not a brag - just merely an observation. I got a chance to see Senior Elite's 2012 potential stunt sequences when I chatted with Courtney at the JamU conference in Louisville. (Side note: As a dedicated fan to the Teal Community, my lips are SEALED) I can tell you that CEA is finally done with their 'worn out' (not meant to be slam, obviously) stretch to stretch tick tock they have in their elite section every year. They are bringing a whole new 'revolution' to stunting that NO ONE can or will match.
From talking to Courtney and seeing the options on the table for stunts - Id like to see them 'stray' away from their Celine Dion and their typical 'Beleive' CEA SE music choices and just BRING IT with some in your face (not to be confused with cocky) music selections! As Courtney said in an old post somewhere - They used the basis of this past years routine based on finding the 'formula' the year prior of finding a 'World Champion' Routine. Since that didnt work this year year (They still would have gotten 3rd with or witout the fall) her mind is open to creativity and a new formula to blow everyone out of the water. I can tell you from what I saw - They arent playing, and a 'New' style of CEA music would fit them perfectly.
Now, to get back on topic... My song selection vote goes for going with a whole new look and feel of Senior Elite!
Brekaing Benjamins - Blow me Away: