These are the two scenario's I hear:
1) Gym owner that has been around pre-Summit days says the only way they survive in high rent district is to put athletes on multiple teams to cover expenses. The gym is above D2 maximum athletes allowed, but need their X number of athletes to crossover to at least 5 teams to be profitable. Your cp at this gym, chooses to only be on level 3. Many athletes on her level 3 team crossover to levels 2 and 4. Levels 2, 3, and 4 all get a bid. Tighter crossover rules (say 5 athletes) would only allow for the level 4 team to go to the Summit. Bottom line, the gym owner says with tighter crossover rules they can only field two Summit teams. If they field 5 teams and only 2 are Summit teams, the gym owner is afraid once happy parents/athletes will leave to be on a Summit team elsewhere.
2) Your level 3 cp's team gets a bid. You put together $2,000+ to go to FL, take off work, kid(s) miss school only to find out 6 of the gyms in your division, where only 5 will go on to day 2, cross the majority of their level 3 and 4 athletes and they're competing both levels.
I understand both situations, but I feel the Summit needs to be for gyms that can field teams with tighter rules. IMO D2 already provides more lenient crossover rules and is the correct place to be more inclusive, if needed. A gym owner should not feel bound financially by one event, but parents shouldn't feel their money is being wasted at that event either.