It was a little awkward, because she kept repeating herself. But what I found interesting ('cause I study human behavior and speech for a living), was WHAT she was repeating.
Her big emphasis was not only on a new experience, but on the age and independence of her teammates and new gym. I wonder if in searching for a new team, she was seeking to cut out some of the drama/chaos that comes with senior age (and less face it, much younger) athletes to something a little more mature and grounded. Once you get past 19 and into early 20s, there's less time for that kind of nonsense (and if it's there, it's USUALLY handled a wee bit better). And with things being so independent, everybody isn't up in your face and your business 24/7.
The mentality of a team whose average age is 15 is much different than one whose average age is 20.