This is close to how I do my daughters. I do a section tease it, another section tease it, and another section tease it. The very front section I straighten and don't tease at all so it covers the mess.
Also after I pull out the poof section I put her hair in a high pony tail first. So that way I can get it up on top and I'm not worried about messing up the poof since I haven't done it yet. It's also easier to get it on her crown without the poof in my way.
One more thing I do for my kid is the whole section that I pulled out to tease I put in the poof and tease it thru the end. So that way there is no left over hair to add to her pony. The whole poof is that section of hair so the pony can't pull my poof down.
This makes 2 day hair easy. I let me kid sleep in it. If I need to redo her pony to get it slicked up again I can do that without taking the poof down and vice versa, sometimes I get completely done and don't like the final look of her poof. So I can unpin it and resculpt it without having to undo her pony or remove extensions! Makes my world super easy!
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