I was thinking the same thing. We competed against them on March 12 & 13, and I'm fairly certain she was still on the Mini 1 team. I could be wrong though on that. However, if she is, I don't necessarily agree with her being on the Mini 1 team. I am all for moving kids up age/levels if they have the maturity and skills to handle it, but I'm not a fan of those same kids double-teaming on low level teams for an entire season (filling in for injuries or whatever is a different situation).
Thanks! I really wish I hadn't been right, because I think this show could have been a great opportunity to showcase the hardwork and commitment of these little athletes.
I wish you'd been wrong too...but I had a suspicion you were going to be right and you were. :(
Now...I am fine with moving kids up levels and age groups if they have the skills. But I do have 2 issues with this--one, like I said before, I think
eight is tooooo young. Maybe if she was moving up to a
Junior team...but Senior is just too mature for an 8 year old.
This part of my thoughts may not be so popular...but that's never stopped me before so here goes: WHY on earth is someone moving up THREE age groups to be on a Level 3 team??? It's Level 3 for God's sake. They couldn't find enough kids to fill a Senior 3 team without moving an 8 year old up? I mean, it's not like she's
so amazing she's crossing to a J5 or anything. I just feel like she should wait. I know that
waaaaiiittting is a hard concept for a lot of these kids to even wrap their heads around (or more likely their MOMS:rolleyes:), but I seriously can not dream up one good reason for an 8 year old to be on a Senior 3 team. Sometimes I think it's just so the mom can say "Oh, my Susie is only 8 and she's on a SENIOR team. Pay attention to us because we're so awesome--way more awesome than anyone else!":rolleyes: Can anyone give me a GOOD reason for an 8 year old to be on a Senior 3 team? (And no, I don't consider "She has a tuck and can double down and they don't have a Y3 or J3 team!" to be good reason. She can wait another year or 2 and perfect the skills she has. I don't necessarily want to sit here and "pick on" a child's skills, but really...she could work on perfecting her Level 1 and 2 skills before she worries about competing at Level 3.)
McKenzie is just an example--I also don't understand 8 and 9 year olds on Senior 2 and Senior 4.2 either. I'm fine with talented kids leveling up: like a 9 year old on a J5, or a 12 year old on a Senior 5. But WHY WHY WHY are all these little kids moving up to Senior teams that aren't even really high levels?
And again, before anyone criticizes me and says "You don't go to that gym. You don't know them" etc. etc. etc., please remember--they invited this by putting themselves on TV.