All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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Angel Rice is about to compete in the Tramp and TUmble Wolrd Championship/ World Age Group Comp . Her mom posted that she is supposed to be on around 9:45 am ( but I think it might be 10:45 looking at the real schedule)

feed: Live | 2014 Trampoline & Tumbling World Championships
I wonder why it is never suggested that people put their kids in power tumbling before transitioning to cheer.
soooo..I thought this person looked familiar..I follow a certain retired cheerleading on instagram and said cheerleader is asking for people to please send donations to this gym..I like to hope that the story she told this cheerleader was true and that the donations will go to the kids but after the comment made by her early it doesn't sit will with me. Just my opinion, like I said everything could totally be fine. Also the coach has changed her instagram name but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post that..?
If this is the person that posted on Gabi's page, Gabi's gave her a hilarious response.
I'm not so sure about that. They got their butts handed too them over the way they treated Jenee when she left, Tyler leaving was horrible both on twitter and in the episode, THEN Gabi left, followed by Dylan. In thaat order---which again, they were horrible to Dylan.

They knew better than to attack Gabi.

there were no nagative tweets when jenee left. the tweets were supportive or sympathetic. the negative tweets came after she joined SE. im pretty sure they felt duped, as in they were told one thing but then saw something else.

also where did you see negative tweets about tyler wheb hr left? i never saw anything. the only way that i found out that he left was was through one of the flyers

also, the negative remarks made about dylan were mostly due to the accusations made about a coach being a bully, which they obviously disagreed with. lots of people have left/dint come back to smoed and werent attacked. this whole "if someone leaves smoed that person will be attacked" is nothing more than a delusion that exists on fierceboardd.
I saw on a video of smoed that the tiny little blondie flyer in the stunt that madi was standing behind was a fill in just for today, so i dont think she's permanent. Not sure why, but thats what the video publisher said.
I think it great also that she has the chance to learn to back and base on a slighly lower level team before being chucked in the deep end when the time happens.

Also her attitude is great I am hoping people will use her as a role model and go maybe it isnt bad im not flying anymore instead of throwing their bows out of their pram
I love British words! :D:D:D
I just don't understand why Madi was taken out of the air for a flyer that isn't as talented. It's none of my business and doesn't have anything to do with me but it just seems odd. She has a good attitude about it though, she seems like a good kid.

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Sometimes things just don't work out in a way that makes sense. The girl flying in her place might not be a better flyer than Madi, but because everyone must be placed in a role, that's how thing ended up. Perhaps Madi was the best fit for basing at the time.
Sometimes things just don't work out in a way that makes sense. The girl flying in her place might not be a better flyer than Madi, but because everyone must be placed in a role, that's how thing ended up. Perhaps Madi was the best fit for basing at the time.

And I agree. I'm just at a loss for how they keep losing athletes and need to continue to switch things up this far into November. Kids leave, it happens everywhere but I have never seen it happen as much as I've seen it happen on Smoed.

And side note, maybe it's just me, but it was way easier for me to learn to base level 5 skills than it was for me to fly them. I learned how to base them after I stopped cheering and started coaching but it would make sense to me to pull up a base rather than a top girl and have to restructure everything. That just makes more work for Eddie and Orby.

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I'm a little baffled that she went from center flyer this year to basing. I thought she'd be able to fly this year at least. They just keep pulling smaller flyers up. I can see P being ground bound pretty soon too.
I still think it's a little funny that people have to make announcements like this about everything now. Just sounded like the kind of post people make when they switch gyms
I'm a little baffled that she went from center flyer this year to basing. I thought she'd be able to fly this year at least. They just keep pulling smaller flyers up. I can see P being ground bound pretty soon too.
I still think it's a little funny that people have to make announcements like this about everything now. Just sounded like the kind of post people make when they switch gyms
ya to be honest though they are both tiny i think Peyton probably weighs a bit more the Maddie even with the height difference. i thought if anyone was taken out of the air it would be her.
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The "random" conversations they have that are suppose to be natural seem so scripted. Why couldn't they just leave that out. It's really tiring me off this show

If I took a shot for everytime they used the name 'Gabi' in that 3 person conversation, I'd be hospitalized. I agree...scripted reality is bad reality when it's not done by actors and/or people who don't look so tense. And nothing against those girl's, or the team, but every scripted scene comes off as weird with the exception of Madi. I could see her going into entertainment or TV host type thing if she wanted to.