All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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As a floridian, her driving 10 hours to Top Gun would be mean she lives somewhere near Pensacola or in Georgia. Plus she's stated a few times before she lives in South Florida and I think she even mentioned Boca before? Which would be only about a hour :)
*smacks self in the forehead*
Watching them stretch and cry was really uncomfortable. That's the fastest way to pull a hamstring, and set yourself back in flexibility. You should be pushing, but not crying and tearing your body apart.
That reminds me of the Cheerhab episode, in which Orby was pushing that girl down into a straddle split.

And @cheerextremehali that sounds disturbing. :eek::confused: I've heard about gymnasts whose coaches accidentally tear their muscles while trying to force them into oversplits.

Also, girls the age of these flyers have probably started to experience tightening of the lower back. I can't imagine how horrible their hips and lower back must feel.
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I honestly think Madi was really genuine about her relationship with J and how she dyed her hair to give her own identity, so it isn't about being known for her hair but her skill. I liked that.

And with the turn of tone in the episode, I think when coaches have familiarity with athletes they can say things about their attitudes and call them on it and still have love for them, I've seen it before.
Watching them stretch and cry was really uncomfortable. That's the fastest way to pull a hamstring, and set yourself back in flexibility. You should be pushing, but not crying and tearing your body apart.


There's a fine line between stretching and tearing/pulling something.

You need to push until it's not the most comfortable, but not HURTING. It's hard to describe, but generally, when you have cheered and coached, you tend to know where the line is.
^^^^^^It doesn't score higher than any other combo of body positions to my knowledge at most comps (I also do not coach a Worlds team so I am unsure of how it scores at Worlds, but as far as lower levels.)
another thing i noticed. at their most recent competition (Jamz), it looks like they have an extra flyer. i mean the girl literally flys once and stands in the back the rest of the routine, anyone know whats up with that whole deal. i just dont get why some of these kids put themselves through this torture. its got to be deflating to be put on a team, and then be forced to go out there stand on a competition mat and not be apart of the actual routine.
i love a lot of the cali teams, including smoed. but some of the things they do just seem so cruel to the athletes, who work their butts off just to stay on the team all season.

heres the competition im referring to
It was sad hearing Madi talk about how she hasn't heard from Jenee since worlds

There are two sides though. Madi can say one thing but doesn't mean that Jenee actually ignored Madi. Its not my business so I'm not going to say... but *maybe* something happened for them to not talk anymore that wasn't on social media so people wouldn't know about it.
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When my CP is ready to be sent across the country to a worlds team I don't think I'll let her go to SMOED... Crying/screaming is just wrong. We're not in former East Germany or similar. :(
That's right, no 'ifs' about it be positive and think 'when'. Lol.

Lots of other strong programs that take fly in kids so you are right, if smoed isn't your cup of tea maybe someone else will be.

**Surrogate mom, just one of many services offered**
another thing i noticed. at their most recent competition (Jamz), it looks like they have an extra flyer. i mean the girl literally flys once and stands in the back the rest of the routine, anyone know whats up with that whole deal. i just dont get why some of these kids put themselves through this torture. its got to be deflating to be put on a team, and then be forced to go out there stand on a competition mat and not be apart of the actual routine.
i love a lot of the cali teams, including smoed. but some of the things they do just seem so cruel to the athletes, who work their butts off just to stay on the team all season.

heres the competition im referring to

i love smoed but they are just not impressive at this point at least to me )=

There's a fine line between stretching and tearing/pulling something.

You need to push until it's not the most comfortable, but not HURTING. It's hard to describe, but generally, when you have cheered and coached, you tend to know where the line is.
But in this case the coaches don't care, and she's not going to stop because she doesn't want to be replaced.

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