All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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Just casually reading a book and then this happens lol. I thought of this thread right away

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What makes me laugh even more about this is last week I played Hedbanz Charades. Well my mom's friend's son thought my card said snake not snack. He was pacing back and forth for 5 minutes trying to figure out what to do until he looked back at my card. He said, "I THOUGHT THAT SAID SNAKE NOT SNACK!" Needless to say, we laughed very hard.
This seems pretty harsh coming from someone who doesn't watch every practice or know what skills all of the other teammates have (unbiased first hand knowledge). If they're part of the team, I'm sure it's because they bring something to the table. Jessica wouldn't have put off going to Berkeley to half butt being on the team or not try to gain more skills and push past being 'not very good at all'. That girl has heart!

Then again, I do not know what skills everyone has either besides the glimpses on the show that could be taken on a bad day or at the end of a rough practice but I would never belittle they ones they do have and worked so hard to obtain. We get it, there are kids with skills below your son's but there are kinder ways of saying that.
Yes, I am not at practices however I have been privy to after practice debriefs and had to manage my sons injuries/rehab from here as I had absolutely no response from management on the injury issue as if they just didn't care or take it seriously.
I have years of personal training/sports psychology experience in training elite athletes across a range of sports, injury rehab as well as my own personal experience with the same injuries on a larger scale from competing as an elite athlete myself that required a full shoulder reconstruction and ended my career.
Correct me if I'm wrong....wasn't she cut last season for the same reasons? (not being strong enough) It was not just below my sons skill level it was below the rest of the teams level. I don't deny that she wasn't putting in her best and just because she differed going to college and gave it her best doesn't mean that she was at the same level as others. Eddie himself called her a weak 2nd base so why was she there? I don't get that and neither do a lot of others. Especially since the original stunt group was hitting every stunt at camp (Dylan had only been there 2 weeks at that point) She also said 'my stunt was finally getting to a better place' (and that was after almost 2 months work) not 'our stunt' or 'my stunt group' It is a stunt 'group' not an individual stunt. And for her to say that she feels 'screwed over' by Dylan (or anyone else for that matter) for being taking out of the stunt group is just petty & a little narrow minded.
From a sports psychology perspective....if you go through life blaming others for your short comings & set backs you will not improve as an athlete or a person. Take the criticism and feedback & grow from it, don't blame others for not making the cut. I feel for her being taking out of the group however she needs to take ownership of the reasons why & not blame others.
I've read through this thread as it progressed, and read through that locked thread so I missed the emails and the edited/deleted posts, but here's my stance on the whole issue.
Firstly, for anyone from California Allstars, or Smoed, had this happened at any other gym, on any other team, chances are no one would know about it. If anyone did know about it, it would be because teenagers like to talk, teenagers like to spread drama, be petty, cause cat fights. The owners of California Allstars, the coaches and athletes of Smoed, and the families of both decided they would be, and assumed all responsibilities for, airing a REALITY "TV" show about a team. When the "reality" show decided to delve into the personal lives of the athletes, as coaches, athletes, owners, and parents, you basically said to the public "Here's my dirty laundry, do with it as you please." Had this show stayed about the athletes, about the sport, and never once touched on the personal lives of a single athlete, maybe then people would not be talking about your personal lives.
Secondly, though legal, I think posting those emails for everyone to see took it too far. That is not my business. Though it's interesting, it is not my business. Furthermore, for them to be released without the knowledge or consent of the other parties involved, again, I don't think the information enclosed was important enough to warrant emails like that being released. The point could have been defended without.
Thirdly, if this drama is the fire, @Obsessive Cheer you are the oxygen. You come on here defending your child, great. You want to tell his story? Amazing. You're going about it in such a way that is only fuelling the fire. A fire that should have been dealt with privately. Do I think that the producers of Awesomeness TV, the owners of CA, and the coaches/athletes/parents of Smoed are right in allowing the slandering of your son on this web show? Absolutely not. That does not mean it needs to become a public spectacle. Creating an Instagram page, a Facebook page, whatever you're talking about, to post private emails between yourself and those working at CA is extremely petty. You are a grown man, I'm sure you know how to act like one, so maybe it's time to start.

Do I find the information interesting? Absolutely. I love a good bit of juicy drama. But similarly to when a lot of drama happened regarding CSP (if you don't know, don't DM me I'm not talking about it), it is not my business. It doesn't effect me, it is not illegal, nobody's life is in danger, why should I know? I think it's time we all take a step back and decide if we would really want people prying into our business like this if the situation happened with our families? I know for me, though I don't have any children, if this happened to a child of mine, we'd be dealing with it privately. If an episode was airing slandering my child, you bet your bottom dollar that California Allstars, and Awesomeness TV, would be publicly apologizing to my family and my child, and it would be on them to offer a true and reasonable explanation as to why.
You are entitled to your opinion.
For the record...Dylan did not want to be on the show but he wanted to be on the team & to be on the team means you have to be on the show, you don't have a choice. Dylan prefers to let his talent, skills & work ethic do the talking not some manipulated web serious that is pretty much scripted for a drama factor that just isn't there. To call it a reality show is a joke, it couldn't be further from reality!
The facebook, instagram comment was a tongue in cheek comment regarding being censored on here by having my links removed.
I remained silent for two months & was not going say a thing about it & none of us had made any public statements about the real reasons he left other than privately to CA & we were never going to do otherwise. However when you get no reply and they do not even address it, lie to me about apologies that never came & continue to let athletes berate & slander my son publicly on the episode & social media then I will not continue to bash my head against a brick wall. To say I am the fuel to the fire after what they have done is a little off considering that they fueled another round of Dylan bashing when we did absolutely nothing & said nothing bad about CA or their program. By allowing the episode to be made that way & aired as well as not putting the reigns on their social media posting the dug their own hole. I said it before & I will say it again....when you are on a semi professional or professional team you need to act & behave accordingly & the team should have policies in place regarding these sort of social media postings etc regardless of them being teenagers or whatever. When you are in the public spot light on a web show you should conduct yourself accordingly regardless. The coaching staff are the ones who need to start acting like adults.
To say it is time I started acting like a grown man is hilarious especially considering that you have no kids. If you had children & one was thousands of miles away in a foreign country dealing with this sort of thing I am sure you would be changing you tune very quickly. I have have absolutely no desire to DM you regarding anything even if I didn't know what you were talking about that is not my business nor do I want it to be. This is the only thing that concerns kids, my son & his career in cheer period.
Yes, I could of posted without the emails etc but then I would of just got bashed for exaggerating the whole thing & accused of sensationalizing things. When you back up words with proof then it is beyond reasonable doubt. And yes that email from Eddie & my response was the only communication from them other than the email from Tannaz and my reply...The only email communication from anyone at CA since Dylan left NZ mid June despite my many emails, messages & calls to them regarding how he was fitting in, how things were going & his injuries etc. Most of the little guys will just curl up in a corner & say nothing for fear of the higher ups & the obvious grief that these type of people will attempt to inflict on you for their own agenda.
I did a ton of research on CA & Smoed before allowing Dylan to move to the USA & went to a ton of effort to make it happen in 3 weeks. Personally I had a lot of respect for Eddie before Dylan left but that quickly faded when he couldn't even respond to one of my emails, messages & calls for almost 4 months until Dylan quit the team. That in itself is both unprofessional, conceited & downright rude.
The only reason they contacted King to get the links removed was because it was hurting them, their reputation & they just didn't want people to know the truth of their petty threats & allegations contained in the email.
I have behaved nothing but legally, professionally & above all did the right thing getting this out there, not just for my sons benefit but also the sport in general (many people have told me that including some people who have been heavily involved in CA for years (until the point Dylan left) as well as others involved in cheer in the USA for a lot of years) I think think the huge amount of private messages through here, on facebook & on my post with messages of support from all over the USA from gyms, coaches, moms, dads & athletes speaks for itself (I have been replying to messages of support non stop for over 24 hours)
If I sat there & did nothing then they would be continuing to do this to many others & be getting away with it because most people are too scared to speak out.
This whole drama could have been avoided had the episode "Dylan's Story" not been released OR his departure portrayed in a better light. This isn't Season 1, it's Season 3. I do not feel empathy for the adults involved at Cali. This also isn't the first bit of drama coming out of this series. I would have imposed a social media policy for all athletes in the program.

If I am viewing this situation correctly, I believe the release of that episode appears to have pushed Dylan's dad over the edge. Did he react perfectly? As a parent, I can tell you I would have been furious.

This series has brought lots of opportunities for the coaches and Smoed athletes. And it appears most have taken advantage of that. I'm not hating on that, but I certainly do not feel any empathy for their stress level or the pressure they are under. They could have said no. As for the parents of the athletes, they have a responsibility to step in when it's becoming too much for their child.

I do not base my opinion of the Cali program on one team. I do think it is time for the owner to evaluate the value of continued participation in this series and either shut it down or put parameters in place to minimize the negative attention.

I agree with this. If this were Season 2, maybe, maybe I could find empathy for the adults, but in Season 3 I can't. Season 1 was refreshing, Season 2 was kinda bland and did show a bit more drama than it should have, Season 3 has been a trainwreck since day one.

As for the shirt thing, I pretty sure that was all in good fun---not to be taken seriously at all. And, as a parent, I think Dylan's dad has done a decent job at keeping his cool---not perfect, but decent. He's also more mature than I would have probably been, because I would have gone out guns blazing after seeing the hateful messages my kid was being sent. I know the GG site posted Eddie's e-mails, she didn't post T's or the image A sent to him, so those may not be so well known...I would have burned every bridge without even thinking logically for two seconds if I saw that come through my kids social media site because she opted to leave a team.
@Obsessive Cheer - speaking for myself, I commend you for stepping up and sharing yours and Dylan's experience. Your family was respectful when Dylan changed gyms, but given the very public one sided story and the ongoing behavior from the Cali staff (I can forgive most of the kids - the 17 and under crowd at least, but the staff is unforgivable), Dylan's REAL story needed to be shared. I am embarrassed for how cheerleading in our country is being represented, and I hope you have already seen and will continue to see that not all gyms and athletes operate the same way. I think just from the posts on this board you can see the majority of us are supportive of Dylan and we wish him the best both on and off the mat this season.
You are entitled to your opinion.
For the record...Dylan did not want to be on the show but he wanted to be on the team & to be on the team means you have to be on the show, you don't have a choice. Dylan prefers to let his talent, skills & work ethic do the talking not some manipulated web serious that is pretty much scripted for a drama factor that just isn't there. To call it a reality show is a joke, it couldn't be further from reality!
The facebook, instagram comment was a tongue in cheek comment regarding being censored on here by having my links removed.
I remained silent for two months & was not going say a thing about it & none of us had made any public statements about the real reasons he left other than privately to CA & we were never going to do otherwise. However when you get no reply and they do not even address it, lie to me about apologies that never came & continue to let athletes berate & slander my son publicly on the episode & social media then I will not continue to bash my head against a brick wall. To say I am the fuel to the fire after what they have done is a little off considering that they fueled another round of Dylan bashing when we did absolutely nothing & said nothing bad about CA or their program. By allowing the episode to be made that way & aired as well as not putting the reigns on their social media posting the dug their own hole. I said it before & I will say it again....when you are on a semi professional or professional team you need to act & behave accordingly & the team should have policies in place regarding these sort of social media postings etc regardless of them being teenagers or whatever. When you are in the public spot light on a web show you should conduct yourself accordingly regardless. The coaching staff are the ones who need to start acting like adults.
To say it is time I started acting like a grown man is hilarious especially considering that you have no kids. If you had children & one was thousands of miles away in a foreign country dealing with this sort of thing I am sure you would be changing you tune very quickly. I have have absolutely no desire to DM you regarding anything even if I didn't know what you were talking about that is not my business nor do I want it to be. This is the only thing that concerns kids, my son & his career in cheer period.
Yes, I could of posted without the emails etc but then I would of just got bashed for exaggerating the whole thing & accused of sensationalizing things. When you back up words with proof then it is beyond reasonable doubt. And yes that email from Eddie & my response was the only communication from them other than the email from Tannaz and my reply...The only email communication from anyone at CA since Dylan left NZ mid June despite my many emails, messages & calls to them regarding how he was fitting in, how things were going & his injuries etc. Most of the little guys will just curl up in a corner & say nothing for fear of the higher ups & the obvious grief that these type of people will attempt to inflict on you for their own agenda.
I did a ton of research on CA & Smoed before allowing Dylan to move to the USA & went to a ton of effort to make it happen in 3 weeks. Personally I had a lot of respect for Eddie before Dylan left but that quickly faded when he couldn't even respond to one of my emails, messages & calls for almost 4 months until Dylan quit the team. That in itself is both unprofessional, conceited & downright rude.
The only reason they contacted King to get the links removed was because it was hurting them, their reputation & they just didn't want people to know the truth of their petty threats & allegations contained in the email.
I have behaved nothing but legally, professionally & above all did the right thing getting this out there, not just for my sons benefit but also the sport in general (many people have told me that including some people who have been heavily involved in CA for years (until the point Dylan left) as well as others involved in cheer in the USA for a lot of years) I think think the huge amount of private messages through here, on facebook & on my post with messages of support from all over the USA from gyms, coaches, moms, dads & athletes speaks for itself (I have been replying to messages of support non stop for over 24 hours)
If I sat there & did nothing then they would be continuing to do this to many others & be getting away with it because most people are too scared to speak out.

We all feel differently about how a situation needs to be handled. Personally, I think your tone combined with your actions was petty and childish. Of course only so much can be taken from one's "tone" online as it's all up to interpretation.
Like I said, in my opinion it is the duty of California Allstars and Awesomeness TV to correct their wrong doing. You can bet if I were you or Dylan in the situation, the phones at California Allstars would be ringing for days until I got the response I wanted.
We all feel differently about how a situation needs to be handled. Personally, I think your tone combined with your actions was petty and childish. Of course only so much can be taken from one's "tone" online as it's all up to interpretation.
Like I said, in my opinion it is the duty of California Allstars and Awesomeness TV to correct their wrong doing. You can bet if I were you or Dylan in the situation, the phones at California Allstars would be ringing for days until I got the response I wanted.

I understand where you're coming from and agree but your last paragraph is where I believe the problem initially started. If they did not answer the father for 4 months while his son was cheering, and only reached out when Dylan quit, what makes you think they would be willing to communicate before everything went viral? What would you do when someone is bashing your child publicly and you cannot reach them? Do you sit there and let it happen? I agree that the fathers wording could've been a little nicer but I see his response as frustration to a situation he has little control over. (Cali not answering emails/phone calls/what-have-you, a child injured, upset, and distraught halfway across the world and you cannot be there to physically help, social media bashing your son with misinformation.)

ETA: From past events and how they were handled, I doubt Cali and AwesomenessTV will try to "correct their wrong doing".
I understand where you're coming from and agree but your last paragraph is where I believe the problem initially started. If they did not answer the father for 4 months while his son was cheering, and only reached out when Dylan quit, what makes you think they would be willing to communicate before everything went viral? What would you do when someone is bashing your child publicly and you cannot reach them? Do you sit there and let it happen? I agree that the fathers wording could've been a little nicer but I see his response as frustration to a situation he has little control over. (Cali not answering emails/phone calls/what-have-you, a child injured, upset, and distraught halfway across the world and you cannot be there to physically help, social media bashing your son with misinformation.)

ETA: From past events and how they were handled, I doubt Cali and AwesomenessTV will try to "correct their wrong doing".

I do agree, I guess my issue comes more with the wording but what's done is done.
Also- it's INCREDIBLY difficult to deal with these types of situations when you're not only miles away, but in completely different time zones.

When my ex broke up with me while we were in Italy, it was nearly impossible to talk to anyone until I got home because I was in a totally different time zone and didn't have my laptop/phone. Either someone was asleep or at work or not near reception etc.
I'm confused on why it was so wrong for them to say they were going to contact immigration? If they were a part of getting his proper documentation and had signed something saying Dylan would be at Cali training for the duration of his stay in the US and then Dylan left to fly across the country to NC for the duration of his stay, how is it so wrong? The terms of his legal ability to be in the US were no longer met. Had something happened to him or had he done something illegal in NC wouldn't that leave Tannaz and Eddie partially responsible? My knowledge of all things immigration is extremely limited but unless I'm missing something it seems they had a legitimate reason to say they were going to notify immigration. Was the rest of Eddie's email out of line? Yes, mostly, but I don't see why this wouldn't be reasonable of them to do.
Also, if I remember correctly Tannaz was crucial to the transitions of J to CEA and B to the other CA last year as both had already competed for Cali and it was past the deadline of needing a release. The rest of the program I remember acting questionable when the two girls left, but it seemed Tannaz was not among them.
Also isn't one of the "parent rules" that you don't talk bad about other people's children? Isn't that exactly what Dylan's dad did to that other girl? The fact that she's 18 shouldn't matter in my opinion. That was wrong no matter how public her part in the situation became.
Do I find Cali to be responsible for a lot of this awfulness Dylan and is family is now having to deal with? Absolutely, especially when it comes to that show. But bashing people who have been bashing you and/or your son does not make anyone look good. It means you've brought yourself to their low level of respect we know have for them after this.
All in all, I feel bad for all parties involved in this, most especially Dylan, he didn't deserve any of this, and the families at Cali, especially the one's on the boards because this has to be awful for them because they love their gym but also feel bad for how everything went down. I hope everything is resolved soon so everyone can get back to normal.

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Also- it's INCREDIBLY difficult to deal with these types of situations when you're not only miles away, but in completely different time zones.

When my ex broke up with me while we were in Italy, it was nearly impossible to talk to anyone until I got home because I was in a totally different time zone and didn't have my laptop/phone. Either someone was asleep or at work or not near reception etc.
Email correspondence works 24/7 and how many businesses arrange off hour phone conferences when they have business relations in other parts of the world? I have a relative that does it all the time with a customer in Singapore.

Not saying your situation should have been done via email as that is much more personal.

Sad it has come to this but I think Mr G has finally gotten their attention now let's see if they follow through.

**Nothing to see here folks, keep moving along**
I'm confused on why it was so wrong for them to say they were going to contact immigration? If they were a part of getting his proper documentation and had signed something saying Dylan would be at Cali training for the duration of his stay in the US and then Dylan left to fly across the country to NC for the duration of his stay, how is it so wrong? The terms of his legal ability to be in the US were no longer met. Had something happened to him or had he done something illegal in NC wouldn't that leave Tannaz and Eddie partially responsible? My knowledge of all things immigration is extremely limited but unless I'm missing something it seems they had a legitimate reason to say they were going to notify immigration. Was the rest of Eddie's email out of line? Yes, mostly, but I don't see why this wouldn't be reasonable of them to do.
Also, if I remember correctly Tannaz was crucial to the transitions of J to CEA and B to the other CA last year as both had already competed for Cali and it was past the deadline of needing a release. The rest of the program I remember acting questionable when the two girls left, but it seemed Tannaz was not among them.
Also isn't one of the "parent rules" that you don't talk bad about other people's children? Isn't that exactly what Dylan's dad did to that other girl? The fact that she's 18 shouldn't matter in my opinion. That was wrong no matter how public her part in the situation became.
Do I find Cali to be responsible for a lot of this awfulness Dylan and is family is now having to deal with? Absolutely, especially when it comes to that show. But bashing people who have been bashing you and/or your son does not make anyone look good. It means you've brought yourself to their low level of respect we know have for them after this.
All in all, I feel bad for all parties involved in this, most especially Dylan, he didn't deserve any of this, and the families at Cali, especially the one's on the boards because this has to be awful for them because they love their gym but also feel bad for how everything went down. I hope everything is resolved soon so everyone can get back to normal.

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There is a discrepancy on how the Visa was obtained and what Dylan was allowed to do with the Visa. According to his dad, he did the work for the Visa and it allowed Dylan to go anywhere in the US for a year. If you read the email from Eddie to Dylan's dad before it was removed, my perception was a veiled threat to contact INS. As far as Dylan's dad "bashing" some Smoed athletes, these were athletes who had some not so nice commentary about his son. I'm not defending his actions, but unless your a parent and find yourself in this situation trying to provide help and support to your child while being basically another world away, who are we to judge his reaction.
You are entitled to your opinion.
For the record...Dylan did not want to be on the show but he wanted to be on the team & to be on the team means you have to be on the show, you don't have a choice. Dylan prefers to let his talent, skills & work ethic do the talking not some manipulated web serious that is pretty much scripted for a drama factor that just isn't there. To call it a reality show is a joke, it couldn't be further from reality!

who told you and him that he has no choice but to be on a show. even people in jail/prison have the right to not have their likeness depicted in those jail/prison reality shows, which is why those shows have many blurred faces all the time. i took this from a law blog:

"It is theoretically possible for someone who is filmed without permission, and whose image is exploited commercially, to sue for a variety of claims such as violation of the right of publicity, invasion of privacy, or infliction of emotional distress. For this reason — as recently discussed here, movies that shoot on location typically use posted notices to warn passers-by of a movie shooting in the area, and distributors often require evidence of such notices as part of the clearance process for a potential acquisition. This is also why all those memorable Jersey Shore fight scenes in public places often feature dozens of blurred-out faces and cut-off heads, for individuals who were never approached by MTV for their consent to appear on film (or who simply refused to grant it).

The potential claims don’t stop there. Depending on a variety of factors — such as what the individuals are wearing, doing, and perhaps performing on film — third parties may have potential claims for copyright and/or trademark infringement depending. And of course, in California (and in many other states), the unauthorized audio recording of a private conversation is a criminal offense."

-Dan Nabel J.D., USC Law School
- » Filmed Without Permission

was he told by awesomenesstv that he had no choice but to be on the show and sign a waiver or give verbal permission on camera?