All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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There is no perfect program, perfect coaches, perfect owner or perfect athletes. Allstar Cheerleading is a large yet small community. I have witnessed mostly amazing things from this community. Cali is a big program with World recognition. The show has brought even more attention to the program. The "Dylan's Story" episode is not the first episode in the series with a negative slant towards an athlete or a program. They just picked on the wrong kid this time. I don't proclaim to know the whole story, however have come to my own conclusion. My conclusion could be wrong. I just hope this situation can be resolved, all parties come to an understanding and Dylan has an amazing experience with his new team.

IMO this series has run its course. Time to focus on another team and provide more documentary style approach.
Also- it's INCREDIBLY difficult to deal with these types of situations when you're not only miles away, but in completely different time zones.

When my ex broke up with me while we were in Italy, it was nearly impossible to talk to anyone until I got home because I was in a totally different time zone and didn't have my laptop/phone. Either someone was asleep or at work or not near reception etc.
Eh, it depends on how far away you are. For example, when my dad went to Afghanistan it was a ten hour difference, so we could call him when we got up in the morning and he would be just getting off work in the evening. NZ is so far away (21 hours ahead of Cali, I believe), that the time is actually kind of close, it's just different days. So if the gym was open say, 3-9pm, his dad could have called anywhere between 12-7pm (just the next day) and there should have been someone at the desk to answer. And it's not hard to figure that out, world clocks are actually built into your iPhone. (I figured that out in the 6th grade on my moms phone so we could know what time it was for my dad overseas; I say that to say it wouldn't have been hard for them.)
Edited for subject verb agreement or something like that.
who told you and him that he has no choice but to be on a show. even people in jail/prison have the right to not have their likeness depicted in those jail/prison reality shows, which is why those shows have many blurred faces all the time. i took this from a law blog:

"It is theoretically possible for someone who is filmed without permission, and whose image is exploited commercially, to sue for a variety of claims such as violation of the right of publicity, invasion of privacy, or infliction of emotional distress. For this reason — as recently discussed here, movies that shoot on location typically use posted notices to warn passers-by of a movie shooting in the area, and distributors often require evidence of such notices as part of the clearance process for a potential acquisition. This is also why all those memorable Jersey Shore fight scenes in public places often feature dozens of blurred-out faces and cut-off heads, for individuals who were never approached by MTV for their consent to appear on film (or who simply refused to grant it).

The potential claims don’t stop there. Depending on a variety of factors — such as what the individuals are wearing, doing, and perhaps performing on film — third parties may have potential claims for copyright and/or trademark infringement depending. And of course, in California (and in many other states), the unauthorized audio recording of a private conversation is a criminal offense."

-Dan Nabel J.D., USC Law School
- » Filmed Without Permission

was he told by awesomenesstv that he had no choice but to be on the show and sign a waiver or give verbal permission on camera?

Being in jail isn't optional. Being on smoed is optional. I'm sure what he said was "in order to be on the team, he had to be on the show." So it seems pretty obvious that CA has made a condition of being on smoed that you have to agree to it. (reasonable, rather than having to deal with trying to run practices based on who can and can't be on camera and what they'll have to blur out later).

He's saying that his desire to be on Smoed outweighed his desire to NOT be on the show. Therefore he "had to" choose the show in order to be on the team - versus "chose the team so he could be on the show." Semantics, really.

As for the other post, I totally agree with @Weezy - I took that as a thinly veiled threat, NOT Eddie just stating his responsibilities. The tone was definitely NOT polite, friendly, "Oh no. Darn it - I hope we don't get in trouble. Did you guys tell them he moved?" It was definitely more a threat (and the whole thing was ridiculous - like INS really even knows what smoed is! He made it sound like they're this big international conglomerate, bringing in special, highly trained operatives for the betterment of the US. I LOL'ed at that email, seriously)
Also- it's INCREDIBLY difficult to deal with these types of situations when you're not only miles away, but in completely different time zones.

When my ex broke up with me while we were in Italy, it was nearly impossible to talk to anyone until I got home because I was in a totally different time zone and didn't have my laptop/phone. Either someone was asleep or at work or not near reception etc.

NZ can communicate with us here in the states quite easily via phone and vis-a-versa. they are only three hours behind pacific time (22 hours ahead actually). its 10am here and 7am there.
Email correspondence works 24/7 and how many businesses arrange off hour phone conferences when they have business relations in other parts of the world? I have a relative that does it all the time with a customer in Singapore.

Not saying your situation should have been done via email as that is much more personal.

Sad it has come to this but I think Mr G has finally gotten their attention now let's see if they follow through.

**Nothing to see here folks, keep moving along**
I was speaking more emotionally from the point of view of a parent, and less about business wise. My mother was TERRIFIED that entire trip because if anything happened to me (which it did- nothing life-threatening but still upsetting), she had very few ways to contact me and I was in a completely different time zone.

They have ZERO excuse to not get in contact with anyone- email is a thing. Heck- while my cousin is in Japan, we have a Skype session every family gathering at 6pm because that's when he's awake over there. My family also often keeps off beat hours (due to variety of jobs/social commitments), so it's not always easy to be 'Right there, Right now' when you need something.
There is no perfect program, perfect coaches, perfect owner or perfect athletes. Allstar Cheerleading is a large yet small community. I have witnessed mostly amazing things from this community. Cali is a big program with World recognition. The show has brought even more attention to the program. The "Dylan's Story" episode is not the first episode in the series with a negative slant towards an athlete or a program. They just picked on the wrong kid this time. I don't proclaim to know the whole story, however have come to my own conclusion. My conclusion could be wrong. I just hope this situation can be resolved, all parties come to an understanding and Dylan has an amazing experience with his new team.

IMO this series has run its course. Time to focus on another team and provide more documentary style approach.

I agree with you that the show has run its course... but I disagree that a new team should be followed.

As an outsider, I'd love to see how practices run in various programs across the industry.. I am actually quite looking forward to seeing the new Gymtyme Blink series, solely because I think James and Misty are geniuses. but the Louisville/GT program has a bit of the public eye on them after this summer, I'd say, and I'm not sure bringing cameras in will be in their best interest, either. and ATV is running the show, again, so they'll be sure to make it interesting.

can the industry use the SMOED show as a learning experience? the audience wants drama and the cameras and editors will find a way to create it.
Being in jail isn't optional. Being on smoed is optional. I'm sure what he said was "in order to be on the team, he had to be on the show." So it seems pretty obvious that CA has made a condition of being on smoed that you have to agree to it. (reasonable, rather than having to deal with trying to run practices based on who can and can't be on camera and what they'll have to blur out later).

He's saying that his desire to be on Smoed outweighed his desire to NOT be on the show. Therefore he "had to" choose the show in order to be on the team - versus "chose the team so he could be on the show." Semantics, really.

if someone who is in jail/prison, a person who is basically property of the state and has many of their rights and freedoms taken away, has the right to not have their likeness used for commercial purposes, then it would follow that a free individual would as well. also, what seems "obvious" about what CALI is doing/has done or even has the power to do isn't always so clear and obvious, as was shown yesterday with the whole CALI controls usasf and creates rules just to get someone deported along with their other athletes who would go down as collateral damage. lol. i think dylan might have signed off on something when he didn't have to. had he chosen to not be a part of the show (i think he had that power given the leverage that he had with his power and tumbling skills) practice wouldn't have had to be adjusted for the cameras. it would have been the job of the awesomenesstv editing team, to cut/blur him out, and not be the job of CALI staff.
There is a discrepancy on how the Visa was obtained and what Dylan was allowed to do with the Visa. According to his dad, he did the work for the Visa and it allowed Dylan to go anywhere in the US for a year. If you read the email from Eddie to Dylan's dad before it was removed, my perception was a veiled threat to contact INS. As far as Dylan's dad "bashing" some Smoed athletes, these were athletes who had some not so nice commentary about his son. I'm not defending his actions, but unless your a parent and find yourself in this situation trying to provide help and support to your child while being basically another world away, who are we to judge his reaction.

So it's okay for a parent - a grown adult - to post on a public forum that a kid has no business being on a team if she says not very nice things about his/her son on social media? I'm hearing a lot of excuses for rules that would normally be enforced here under the guise of "you're not a parent, so you wouldn't understand." Matt could have gotten his point across just the same without calling a girl out BY NAME and blaming her apparent ineptitude for her son's injuries.

I don't really see the outrage with calling INS either. Maybe Dylan's Visa is different than other athlete's visas, but they're tricky, confusing things. If I had provided documentation in support of Dylan receiving that Visa - and if I had claimed responsibility for him for the next year, you bet your booty I'd be contacting INS as well to let them know he was no longer with my gym. I wouldn't want to run the risk of getting in trouble and ruining any credibility I had for next time if the terms of his visa were somehow violated. If his visa was as safe as Matt makes it out to be, then this so called "threat" shouldn't have been of concern to him.

Was that statement framed as a thread to try and scare them or retaliate for Dylan quitting? Yeah, probably. But I'd still be contacting them just to protect myself. I'm sure no one at Cali is an expert at immigration law, and if I were Tannaz, I'd have a lot of what if? questions too.
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This is actually really interesting to me. I just looked up the info regarding the visa required to be a foreign athlete on a team in the US. I can see why the wording was how it was in the email that was posted. It actually does make me wonder about the new Worlds rule, but in a different way than has been mentioned previously. It seems like the rule could be an attempt at leveling the playing field. For example, an international athlete couldn't obtain a p-1 visa to join the Worlds team at my daughter's gym because they have not won Worlds numerous of the qualifications for the visa is joining an internationally recognized, award-winning team. P-1A Internationally Recognized Athlete | USCIS

Eta: an athlete wouldn't need this to commute to a team, obviously. A Canadian should still be able to join a US team and attend practices without relocating.
This is actually really interesting to me. I just looked up the info regarding the visa required to be a foreign athlete on a team in the US. I can see why the wording was how it was in the email that was posted. It actually does make me wonder about the new Worlds rule, but in a different way than has been mentioned previously. It seems like the rule could be an attempt at leveling the playing field. For example, an international athlete couldn't obtain a p-1 visa to join the Worlds team at my daughter's gym because they have not won Worlds numerous of the qualifications for the visa is joining an internationally recognized, award-winning team. P-1A Internationally Recognized Athlete | USCIS

Eta: an athlete wouldn't need this to commute to a team, obviously. A Canadian should still be able to join a US team and attend practices without relocating.

I doubt that cheer is considered enough of a sport for anyone to get a P-1 Visa anyway.
Double post...I still don't see how the gym/team would have any liability in the situation. It's the athlete who has an agreement with the country. He'd probably need to notify immigration himself and be sure the new team met the requirements. I suspect the gym meeting the requirements would be enough.
if someone who is in jail/prison, a person who is basically property of the state and has many of their rights and freedoms taken away, has the right to not have their likeness used for commercial purposes, then it would follow that a free individual would as well.

I'm sure you're being obtuse on purpose, but obviously LEGALLY he didn't have to be on the show. I'm not sure why you keep trying to "prove" that he had some sort of legal right to decline to be on the show. Duh...NO ONE is saying that he was obligated by some law to be on the show. Your jail example makes no sense, when no one is saying that he was forced to do the show. He wanted to be on smoed, more than anything. To be on smoed, he had to agree to be on the show. (had to = a condition of making the team, not a legal obligation)

This is what his dad is saying, and unless you have some sort of insider knowledge (from this program that you supposedly have no connection to), then I'm going to go ahead and believe the only person involved in this whole mess who has not been caught in any lies or dishonesty, or even just misrepresentation of facts, as of yet.

Stop being so argumentative. You knew what Dylan's dad was saying, and you know what I'm saying. You really are just arguing to argue. You know good and darn well what he meant.