All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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so wait does that mean Kassidy's undeserving and snacks in the grass comment was about twist & shout or cheer extreme... hmmm... i mean since everyone has already seen it im just putting it out there.
so wait does that mean Kassidy's undeserving and snacks in the grass comment was about twist & shout or cheer extreme... hmmm... i mean since everyone has already seen it im just putting it out there.

I guess that's up for interpretation but......she's been a senior and super seniored so she's definitely not a minor.
such mature adults.. making fun of entire team (minors) when it was just a few people making dumb tweets, some who arent even on the team anymore.
I think it's more poking fun at this whole situation. Don't get me wrong, I still like the team. It's just good to laugh about things, instead of being bitter about something you have no control over.
I'm just glad that 24hr guessing game is over. Lol
I guess that's up for interpretation but......she's been a senior and super seniored so she's definitely not a minor.
see i originally thought the comment was about the kid going back to twist and shout. but now im thinking it might have been about the other guy. i was unaware of the whole cea thing till about an hour ago. i dont know
such mature adults.. making fun of entire team (minors) when it was just a few people making dumb tweets, some who arent even on the team anymore.
If by 'making fun of an entire team when it was only a few making tweets', you mean 'highly critical of a rather large volume of inappropriate tweets from high-profile people on a set team who after being filmed for 3 seasons know PERFECTLY well the exposure their "views" expressed on social get, (some of whom have no business tweeting for that exact reason you suggest)..who are operating under serious hypocrisy for being angry at people leaving THEIR team and oh-so-delighted when others come to THEM..'

Then yes. I am "making fun of an entire team". Also making fun of tweets about snacks in the grass..while singing this song:
see i originally thought the comment was about the kid going back to twist and shout. but now im thinking it might have been about the other guy. i was unaware of the whole cea thing till about an hour ago. i dont know

I would guess we are undeserving and snacks in the grass! Which is fine....everyone has their opinion , that doesn't bother me.

The kidnapper and all the Jesus is going to get us and he's always watching even when we think he's not ......... Because Jesus isn't watching them when they steal/advertise all season on twitter for kids. Because that's different. Except it's not different at all!
such mature adults.. making fun of entire team (minors) when it was just a few people making dumb tweets, some who arent even on the team anymore.
This thread has turned into what every thread dealing with a sticky situation turns into. I haven't seen anyone making fun of an entire team. I've seen people making fun of silly tweets (kidnappers...really? I find that hysterical; snacks in the grass...that will be here for eternity). I've seen people upset at the hypocrisy of venom being spewed (by children AND adults on twitter) because someone that you recruited left. I said it earlier, when you openly recruit, you open yourself up to these situations.

When you choose to stand in the spotlight, unfortunately you have to deal with all that comes with it. Right or wrong, it comes with the territory.
I would guess we are undeserving and snacks in the grass! Which is fine....everyone has their opinion , that doesn't bother me.

The kidnapper and all the Jesus is going to get us and he's always watching even when we think he's not ......... Because Jesus isn't watching them when they steal/advertise all season on twitter for kids. Because that's different. Except it's not different at all!

I'm all for Jesus take the wheel and all...but the religious spin on 'Jesus is watching' is a bit much...especially coming from an ADULT.

As far as being a mature adult making fun of a team of minors---I'd wager a guess they're not all minors, though that is playing with words. I also see more people poking fun at the situation and revelation of another CEA convert from SMOED than anything else.
This thread has turned into what every thread dealing with a sticky situation turns into. I haven't seen anyone making fun of an entire team. I've seen people making fun of silly tweets (kidnappers...really? I find that hysterical; snacks in the grass...that will be here for eternity). I've seen people upset at the hypocrisy of venom being spewed (by children AND adults on twitter) because someone that you recruited left. I said it earlier, when you openly recruit, you open yourself up to these situations.

When you choose to stand in the spotlight, unfortunately you have to deal with all that comes with it. Right or wrong, it comes with the territory.

I cant wait until I see snacks in the grass used in other threads. Probably my favorite part of this whole ordeal.
How do you say no to kid that is extremely talented that was recruited and unhappy that's showing interest in your program cuZ they are unhappy. You don't. You believe in what you have to offer and I see cheer extreme as such an inspiration. I think Courtney is a genius and would love to learn from her. Coed elite seems to have a special bond and seems like a great team atmosphere. Good for him for choosing his happiness no matter what the outcome later on in the season. A decision that he won't regret I'm sure
Are video recordings allowed at the California Allstars showcase in their Ventura location this weekend? I'd like to see how this plays out in terms of the routine. I don't see why having just 19 members (if their main goal is to have the best athletes on the mat regardless of how many there are) would be an issue for them, CA Panthers only have 35 members this season (at least from what I can see at their showcase) and they would still fair well in the large all-girl division.

I do feel sympathy for the quieter (on social media that is) members of SMOED who want nothing to do with the TV series and the "drama" that comes with it. At the end of they day, they're there solely to work hard and be the best that they can be, not to be frowned upon for something their coaches and fellow (ex)members mishandled.

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