All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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I still like CA and Smoed and I'm really just rooting for all teams to be the best the can be and for the best ones that day to win, not only at Worlds,but at all their competitions.
Taking nothing away from CA,but I think it speaks volume when a kid returns home or leaves for another program. With this show,they make that saying Cail or die, seem way too real;these kids give their coaches these god like complexion and think that if I'm not with Coach R and on team xyz, I can't win--with kids who we know can handle a World's winning program/routine leaving,it shows that there are many ways to coach a team and many ways to win.
So, using your post as a jumping off point, question not directed at you.....does the fact this Oregon kid is going to tryout mean Smoed now falls into the kidnapper category too?

****edited to ask @Teacher Mom if she'll elaborate on her story. Or at least clarify if it a boy or girl who's going to Smoed from your CP's team? What are the circumstances surrounding that if you know. Did your athlete contact them or vice versa? And....when did this take place?
Girl. It happened this weekend. I don't know how it happened. I do know she is replacing someone that tore her ACL
I think we have gone through most of the emotions and discussion on this thread as I would expect. Keeping an eye on this thread so as I don't have to close it.
Are video recordings allowed at the California Allstars showcase in their Ventura location this weekend? I'd like to see how this plays out in terms of the routine. I don't see why having just 19 members (if their main goal is to have the best athletes on the mat regardless of how many there are) would be an issue for them, CA Panthers only have 35 members this season (at least from what I can see at their showcase) and they would still fair well in the large all-girl division.

I do feel sympathy for the quieter (on social media that is) members of SMOED who want nothing to do with the TV series and the "drama" that comes with it. At the end of they day, they're there solely to work hard and be the best that they can be, not to be frowned upon for something their coaches and fellow (ex)members mishandled.

Don't you need to have 4 boys, not 3, 2, etc. to compete in Small Coed - CP said she thinks that is the case. Like you don't actually become coed until you have 4th boy in that division. Is she wrong about this? It's possible to have less than 20, but they still need to have 4 boys.
Don't you need to have 4 boys, not 3, 2, etc. to compete in Small Coed - CP said she thinks that is the case. Like you don't actually become coed until you have 4th boy in that division. Is she wrong about this? It's possible to have less than 20, but they still need to have 4 boys.
You do not need to have 4 boys and can still be very competitive with 3. I have seen teams compete small coed with 2 boys and do very well.
Don't you need to have 4 boys, not 3, 2, etc. to compete in Small Coed - CP said she thinks that is the case. Like you don't actually become coed until you have 4th boy in that division. Is she wrong about this? It's possible to have less than 20, but they still need to have 4 boys.

Dont think so. you can have up to 4 boys but you also can have less. There where a few teams at worlds who hade less than 4 boys.
(Some of this may be a repeat) however..

I really used to love smoed. Cheerleaders season 1 was great because the kids seemed hardworking, and genuine. But it seems now like the show and 3-peat has gotten to them a little bit. I must say that this year there is so much talent in small coed that could easily knock them off the top. (Not bad mouthing, I love Cali.) and I think that's what they need. Just a reality check. I don't see why having a cheer show has to be drama. That's why I loved CMT cheer. Patty Ann was strict, by she was an amazing coach.. And I didn't feel like the show reflected any kind of negativity anywhere. I mean it is possible to have a show and not have so much craziness. CJA proved it.. i miss the days where it was unusual to have someone travel fromso far away. I just find that I can respect a program so much more when they train their own athletes to be successful. Not filling a team with someone else's kids and calling it their own.
such mature adults.. making fun of entire team (minors) when it was just a few people making dumb tweets, some who arent even on the team anymore.
My posts have strictly been about adults. Adults and COACHES who have torn apart kids and other programs both on their web show and on social media. I am not a fan of that, especially trashing the reputation of someone I know to be not at all what they were saying he was. If they are going to go after his character, I am going to question theirs.
I also want to add that I feel this is strictly an issue with one team, and within that team only coaches and a minority of athletes/former athletes. Cali is a great program and it is too bad that a few bad apples are overshadowing all of the good things about Cali.
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In spite of all this drama w/ the athletes leaving, I still find the cheerleaders show A LOT better than Dance Moms which is filled w/ negativity, back stabbing competitiveness and head games being played on much younger children. I think the nastiness of DMs has affected the competitive dance circuit to the point that you can actually feel and see its influence at events and it's really unfortunate.

The Cheerleaders show is nowhere near that bad, and except for this stuff about Orby "knowing he wasn't going to make it", and that stuff about Travis and Tyler, it is still an overwhelmingly positive show. All the out of town recruiting may be a bit much, but we do get to "meet" some amazing athletes because of it. Like it is nice to get to see what Angel is like because of it this season.
My posts have strictly been about adults. Adults and COACHES who have torn apart kids and other programs both on their web show and on social media. I am not a fan of that, especially trashing the reputation of someone I know to be not at all what they were saying he was. If they are going to go after his character, I am going to question theirs.
To borrow words from another post---don't bother.
I love how we hate talking about minors but have spent 15 pages talking about them. But when a newbie open a theard about minor we attack them so he is never coming back to this place. Gotta love fierceboard.
Only 2 minors mentioned I know of are already well known because of the show. Had they not been on the show the discussion would have been much different.

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