All-Star Commercialization Of Cheer

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All professional sports that I can think of, promote their sponsors. Nike, Reebok, Gatorade come to mind. From headbands, wristbands, bats, helmets, shoes etc... I guess it's a necessary evil when it comes to professional sports.

I draw the line when our kids start looking like Nascar drivers though!:)
What about sponsorships that don't follow the athlete onto the floor, but simply while walking around competitions. While we may not realize it, advertising is all around us. Top Gun and Georgia were walking around with All Star Challenge warm ups that clearly stood out. Everyone looks at the jacket and says, oh they went to All Star Challenege, so WE want to go to All Star Challenge. (reminds me of mean girls)
Look at the bright side. If gyms got sponsored it would open up a lot of new doors. Sponsorship means more money. More money means new/better equipment, lower dues for the athletes, maybe scholarships for the athletes who can't afford it.
Do I want stringrays to cheer "V-A-R-S-I-T-Y. Varsity makes us fly high!" cheer at comps, no. But if doing something like that would mean more coaches, better equipment, or some of my friends who couldn't afford cheer being able to come back, than I'm ok with this. Of nothing else, maybe some of the gyms we all loved who closed due to not having enough money could stay open.

Silver liningggg:)
No props in any competitive cheer. Rec, HS, College, or Allstar. If it is a skills based competition it detracts from safety. Watch how long that banner is sitting right behind the entire Bangkok pyramid as a large bundle. It only take one mis-step and even the hired spotters wouldn't be able to save the flyers. The price for a mistake should not be catastrophic injury if you can mitigate the risk.

Sideline cheering competition? Have at it!

Did you not like CJA's banner at worlds? I think a lot of props could detract, but certain props can add something to the performance. Like the flower for WCSS in 09. I thought allstar cheer was all about being eye catching!
Did you not like CJA's banner at worlds? I think a lot of props could detract, but certain props can add something to the performance. Like the flower for WCSS in 09. I thought allstar cheer was all about being eye catching!

OH! Or capitol City's handkerchiefs at the end of dance. Props are necessarily unsafe. Plus cheer on the whole has risks involved. Which is honestly more risky? Ball up 360's, or a small bar laying on the back of the floor?
We try to be safe, but any sport holds inherent risks. It just cones with the package.
Coming from a sport where everyone's jersey has a giant logo of someone's business on it, I can't get worked up about the idea of corporate sponsorship. "Maryland Twisters F5 sponsored by the Weather Channel" with huge corporate logo on the front of the uniform might be a bit much, though.
I agree with NO props, I think they are corny, but as far as advertising, my gym isn't sponsored but I'm sure we wouldn't turn money away. Please feel free to contact if you would like to give me money!! Really, anyone is free to do so lol.

I'll give you $50 if you put sharks on your uniforms. It'll make you're teams perform better, gauranteed!
I'll give you $50 if you put sharks on your uniforms. It'll make you're teams perform better, gauranteed!
$50 per uniform, plus you pay the cost of the production (material and adhering it to the uniforms). That really isn't a bad idea if it was lets say a 4x4 shark on the skirt.
I wonder if sponsorship will REALLY start to separate the 'big name' gyms from the smaller..more so than now. Who's going to want to go to XYZ All stars if they can start at Maryland Twisters and have a shot at getting TONS of free stuff like uniforms and shoes? Both of which are particularly pricey. You'll get those crazy moms coming to CEA trying to make their kid the next Maddie Gardner...can you say 'Cheer Mom-agers?'
Did you not like CJA's banner at worlds? I think a lot of props could detract, but certain props can add something to the performance. Like the flower for WCSS in 09. I thought allstar cheer was all about being eye catching!
OH! Or capitol City's handkerchiefs at the end of dance. Props are necessarily unsafe. Plus cheer on the whole has risks involved. Which is honestly more risky? Ball up 360's, or a small bar laying on the back of the floor?
We try to be safe, but any sport holds inherent risks. It just cones with the package.

I like CJA, but my reason against props is the same even if it's my daughter's team. I thought Capital City's handkerchief's were clever by the way.

I understand there are always risks involved, my daughter is usually the one doing flyovers in pyramids, but I think we should mitigate risks wherever possible. Props are not necessary and they add no skill to the sport, therefore I find them to be an unnessary risk and not worth my child's (or anyone's) safety.
$50 per uniform, plus you pay the cost of the production (material and adhering it to the uniforms). That really isn't a bad idea if it was lets say a 4x4 shark on the skirt.

I'm putting $50. If you want to add the "per-uniform" part (and pay for it) then we can be partners.
Whoever does this next should SO have this in their music. It would make my lifeeeee

Keep in mind these are college-aged kids. If int'l teams can't get full-paids.. why not look elsewhere for financial help?
@imrichhowboutu Said before, there are many teams that are sponsored by Nfinity the shoe company. They have the nfinity symbol on their uniform. I was really grateful that NFINITY wanted to sponsor my team, the money really helped.

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