I *think* I'm probably retired now - I wanted one final year, but work and my back injury were both against me. I'm extra sad as I'd moved to a new L5 worlds team in my new home town, and I was really enjoying getting to know a new team and experiencing new coaching..but that's life I guess.
Confessions are therefore from the last 7 years of cheer:
- I scope out everyone we've been against on youtube, facebook and google. I then decide if I need to worry about them, or if they look beatable. I deny any knowledge to my teammates though so I don't freak anyone out.
-I was renowned in my team for always having 20 million copies of the running order, with our gym's teams highlighted in purple (our colours!) and teams I wanted to support/watch in another colour. I would continually have people asking what's next.
-I really want to coach, but I don't think any team would let me :( as I don't have good tumbling skills. I DO have amazing choreography ideas though (in my own head, anyway!)
-We followed CEA Coed Elite onto the floor at Jamfest, and it's the only time I've not been nervous, mainly as I was too in awe to get properly wound up!
-I stretch as if I'm a flyer, and I practice lib sequences (my teams, CEA, World Cup, Top Gun etc) on the arm of my sofa. I haven't flown for YEARS now.
-I KNOW I arch my back as I base. I KNOW I pull out of a stunt and then step back under it. I KNOW. But I can't stop. I just can't.
-I competed Coed 4 all last year, but stepped in for our AG 2 last year when someone got hurt. In practice, I got a black eye from basing a straight ride basket (hit heads with the other base). I was way too embarrassed to admit it was in a straight ride, so didn't correct people when they thought it was from Coed 4.
-Similarly, when 2 of the guys from Coed Elite came over at Jamfest and asked about it, I just said 'baskets'. When they asked if it was from flying kick doubles, I may have said 'yes'. This may have been untrue. :oops:
-I really annoy myself when I tumble. I had my punch front, landed on my back once, then refused to throw it. I can't explain why, other than I don't want to die. Yet I know that the worst that can happen is I land on my back. Which I've done before. And it was ok. I had my BHS. Now I can only throw it on a trampoline, or NEAR a trampoline, or with one of 2 coaches standing near. So not on a competition mat. WHY?!
-I really loved learning Level 5 skills. I did try Open Level 6, but the baskets and the pyramids TERRIFIED ME. Level 5 = fun. Level 6 = scary.
-I've had a few flyers who have only wanted to fly big stuff if I base them. I don't entirely get this, as I'm not a fabulous base. I think it's cos I will ALWAYS catch them. I'm always a bit flattered if they get all happy when I'm put basing them, or sad when I'm not.
-Flyers who moan and cry if they get caught hard, or if they step out of a stunt and I can't miraculously make them stay up, really REALLY annoy me. I had a year with a flyer who would freak out mid kick twist basket and just plummet, elbows out towards me, step out of libs, stamp on my chest in 2-man libs, kick me in double downs...literally cover me in bruises. Yet she would whimper and cry if she was caught a tiny bit hard, and ask for ice. GET. A. GRIP.
-I loved jumps. When the coach said 'ooh, jumps or baskets..' I'd always say jumps. But usually right beside the coach in a quiet voice, as I didn't want to get beaten up by my teammates.
-I miss cheer more than I can admit, and I wish I could go back. :(