I've had a concussion for almost six weeks and am afraid to go back because I'm afraid of getting injured again/ afraid I'm not fully healed.
Cat Haley is my biggest inspiration and I hope one day I can SS on Orange like she's doing.
I feel like I'm holding my team back
I feel like other teams will judge mine because we're 4.2
I, along with half of my old gym switched gyms this season and I'm happy I'm never going back to that gym, even though my best memories were created at that gym.
I can't compete unless I pray
My cheer shoes have lasted me three seasons, and I haven't worn any other shoe to practice or competition except for one time, at which we lost.
Spirit fest and battle at the boardwalk aren't huge nationals, but I won both of those and us finals last season, and I consider myself a 2x national champion & a US champion.
I rarely ever say anything on the fierce board anymore, but I'm constantly reading it.
I can't wait to see Orange at cheersport along with all my other favorite gyms, but I wish CEA would be there.