All-Star Confessions Of A Cheerleader

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Let's see....
1) I have missed my last few days of classes for spring semester to go watch words.
2) In relation to the above every fall semester I have had to move finals because of a comp on Saturday during finals week.
3) I go watch comps that my team is not competing in to support the rest of my gym.
4) I have/will watch the teams my team is competing against in warm ups.
5) I always have to pee before we go on and then forget about it after.
6) I stalk the teams my teams going against Facebook, twitter, YouTube, fierceboard, etc before comps to see how we compare/stack up to them.
7) ^I do the same for all of the other teams in my gym as well.
8) I have to walk out on the comp floor holding hands with someone.
9) Seeing people wear Uggs with your uniform drives me crazy. Chances are if I see you doing this I will judge you.
10) The whole 1st place team celebrating when 2nd is called is a huge pet peeve of mine..wait your turn until your name is called.
11) The three times my team has won a national championship I have cried every time.
12) I am a firm believer in good poof day=good performance day
13) I love stretching and stretch all the time. It bugs me when the the other flyers on my team don't take the time to stretch/ have decent flexibility.
14) I have a bunch of pre comp rituals/superstitions and will freak out if I don't do them.
15) I'm a perfectionist when it comes to flying. If my stunt hits i'll still find something to nit pick about it like my flexibility wasn't good enough etc.

I could do about 50+ more but i'll stop at 15 for now.
* I hate when my flyer or group makse me do our stunt more than twice in warm-up because you're all nervous and what not i may or may not want to kill you. i hate wasting the energy on all that in warm-ups the routine is hard enough without having to do one of the harder parts of it 80 times before it counts. I'd rather lift the air than lift you after that. Literally HATE wasting energy at any point of comp day.
* Once we get into the warm-up area, i my be your best friend and everything, but don't speak to me. I won't be having it. So just for future reference if you see me, speak and i give you a look or I'm short with you that's why. i feel like talking makes my nerves start to build up so just avoid it. There's, like, 3 people (from my gym) who can get away with it and make me feel more calm.
* Do not tell me not to look at other teams in warm-ups, because i will continue to do it. it is not affecting my performance i just like to watch. gawd. So i watch shamelessly.
* Stop telling me to keep, this and the other person calm during the routine. I mean, i do it, but still why you gotta add one more thing for me to do?!?!
* Before every peformance i always think about the worst possible thing that could happen to me ever in my life happening while I'm out on the floor. Like, what if someone tumbles on me and breaks my leg? Like, what do i do? I can't just lay there and cry or whatever, i have to keep going but how can i base with one leg? i'll just have to figure it out and then i can cry after the routine is over. lol
* I cant put evolutions on my feet anymore... like i feel grossed out by them now. i tried once just to wear to work out, like, at a fitness center-gym and... i just couldn't...
* I'll admit i judge people by their hair. if it's not perfect you must not be that good.
1. yes ive cheated on conditioning... and yes i call others out when they cheat :oops:
2. i may or may not have an entire drawer full of razors and tampons from varsity comps and from previous years those face scrubs and moisturizers:cheering:
3. before big comps i ALWAYS spend an entire evening watching videos of my competition
4. i leave school eary just to go get a spray tan... in my defense if i leave at noon theres no traffic to sit in(i commute to private school and have to drive on the busiest freeway in so cal)
5. i may or may not have transfered to a private school far away only because the cheer team is better:wasntme:
6. i constantly put cheer before homework :(
7. i get really angry when people tell me i cant pick my college based on if theres a good all-star team nearby:mad:
8. i may or may not have boughten hair extensions just so i have more hair to work with on comp/game days
9. i havent flown in a routine since 5th grade (im now in 11th) but i still stretch body positions almost every day and it really irritates me when my flyers dont have any flexibility:dorito:
10. ive been working on my full for 8 years and still cant do it:cow:
As a senior who has just recently finished up college applications, I confess that I might actually want to get my full and be able compete it for my team way more than I want to get into any college at all...
The other day I was having a serious conversation with someone and they asked me where I wanted to go to college. I was like "I have no idea, but Kentucky, Louisville, and OSU have good cheer programs" and then they were like "anywhere else?" and I listed a bunch of other colleges with good cheer programs. They're just like "What do you want to do with your life? Just cheer?" and I'm like "YES I JUST WANT TO CHEER FOREVER AND EVER AND NEVER EVER GET OLD :( "... yeah I may or may not have freaked him out. :wasntme:
I can NOT warm up my tumbling. Even if my pass goes well, I will still be nervous for it and if it doesn't go well, I get wayyyy too freaked out. It just works better for me to throw it when the adrenaline kicks in (:
I love cheer, but being only on a HS team now, I've started to loathe it because the girls are not only on my team, but i see them everyday. They either care about the look, and stunting, and other teams, or the power trip of being a cheerleader. We suck in tumbling but they won't practice it and use cheer as a ploy to get "popular". But I love them all so much, hahaha. It just gets fustrating to deal with all the egos, and the wrong people getting nogice for cheer when, they don't live for it the way I do.
I want to slap girls who don't take the time to do their hair right! It bugs me ! Ughh
I am so obsessed about not missing practices that I want to go and shout at everyone who doesn't put in the same effort. It bugs me to no end that people are putting their uncle's/grandma's/friend's birthdayparty before practice!
I may or may not have reacted unfairly when people couldn't attend due to work or other reasonable issues... :oops: