All-Star Confessions Of A Cheerleader

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1. I hate jammy.

2. I hate when teams/coaches don't think about every body type on the team when picking out uniforms.

3. I wear a t-shirt as long as possible (usually until warmups) and put it back on ASAP because I think uniforms are too skimpy now and I wish everyone would just go with the acro and tumbling style uniforms that are more like jerseys.

4. As much as I said I hated it, I love when people yell "hit, hit, hit, pull"
My confessions
1. I always look up who we are against and stalk out videos on you tube.
2. Been on a level 4 for to many yrs its time to push myself just a little bit more
3. I learned an arabian before my full and Im still stuck on landing a 3/4 full.
4. I get mad well more upset when my spots get moved even if for easier transitions
5. I judge cheerleaders poofs and cheer curls
6. I feel guilty sometimes how much my cheer cost and sometimes I act like a brat
7. Country music and cheer music is what I listen to when I go to sleep.
8. I use to have the biggest crush on BUCKY I actually stalked him at cheersport ( I was like 12).. lol
9 several years ago I saw a girl from another team throw her gum at one of my treammates,..lets just say I got her back LOLOL
10 I really love being on the team I am this year!
1. I am never nervous. Never. I think it would be better to be just a little before competing.

2. I hate seeing girl with their uniforms unzipped, hair undone, open shoe laces. I wanna go there and yell at them to be classy and represent their gym better. I've never done it - just in my head.

3. I don't eat at competiton days. Nothing. I just can't. I'm afraid someday i'll colapse during a routine.

4. I can't stand when teams still have music from popular USA gyms (yes, there are some european teams still doing this) and they are even to lazy or dumb (sorry) to cut it without the voice overs. You can be amazing, the bomb, hit every single stunt. But if you're team name is "ABC" and "your" voice over says "put another X on the globe" - i can't take you serious. Not sorry.

5. I always think i've forgotten something. I am the coach, i compete, and i'm a cheerleading mom. You better believe i have the biggest bag and backpack - and i still check five times id there's anything missing.

6. I love cheerleading. Bows before bros. I couldn't without it. I don't know what i'll do when my body someday says: Stop.
I'll never understand the girls who put on makeup and make their hair perfect for practice. You're going to get sweaty so why even bother?
Because, if you don't mess it up then you obviously didn't work hard enough. :p

(I used to put makeup on before distance runs and lax, and that's why. If it wasn't a mess by the time I left then I needed to run laps or hit the weight room)
4. I can't stand when teams still have music from popular USA gyms (yes, there are some european teams still doing this) and they are even to lazy or dumb (sorry) to cut it without the voice overs. You can be amazing, the bomb, hit every single stunt. But if you're team name is "ABC" and "your" voice over says "put another X on the globe" - i can't take you serious. Not sorry.

Omg this is my pet hate! New teams here in Scotland do it all the time and I just sit there cringing with embarrassment for them! It's so bad. There's also an adult team that has identical uniforms to the old Shooting Stars one (you know the one with the star up at the right shoulder and again on the side of the skirt) and it just makes me cringe. Same design, same colours, only the name is different.

Another confession from me! I hate when people roll up their skirts so that they're tiny little things, but I rolled up my college cheer skirt for three years.

I always worry about making a mess of my uniform but I have been out drinking while wearing my college cheer uniform on multiple occasions. Once I was even dressed as a zombie! No fake blood was getting anywhere near my uniform!!!

My old nfinities went to worlds with my college hip hop team and I didn't get to go because I was only a freshman and wasn't allowed since I wasn't on the squad when they won the bid. I will forever be jealous of them. (They also came back from worlds covered in dirt because they'd been worn all around comment on my displeasure!!)
It's been my dream since I I started cheering at 14 to be a CA Panther. I had to accept that my dream was crushed when I turned 19.
I'm graduating from college in May--and after some unexpected changes in my life, I decided (since I have no where that I really want to move back to after school) that I'm going to re-locate to Dallas. There really is a job in my field I want down there, and it has a lot more opportunities than anywhere back home, but my main reason is so I can keep chasing that dream of at least being a member of CA, and being a ladykat or a wildcat (or fiercekat if they bring them back!).

I've been in the gym so much working on getting back into shape and getting my skills back.
-I'm a cheer stalker. I'm not afraid to say it either, because myself, and everybody that knows me knows it's true. I can't help that I know a lot though, I've been in the sport for a decade.
-I'm that girl who's secretly watching everybody in our division in warmups despite the people yelling at me on my team to turn around.
-^Those people yelling at me. They annoy the heck out of me.
-I stretch the heck out of my flyers and tell them they look janky when their body positions don't look good...I can't even pull a scorpion...
-I don't stretch before I compete unless a coach yells at me. It's just sort of a ritual.
-I own more shirts from other gyms than my own gym..
-I have a severe addiction to online cheer shopping..I.e. going to a gym's site and choosing 12 shirts I want..
-my cat's collar has a bow on it. 'nuff said.
-If my poof doesn't look perfect, you can darn right expect me to do it another 30 times.
-I judge people based on their hair/makeup/uniform. If your hair looks awful, I can't picture you doing well on the floor. sorry...not sorry.
-This one time, my mom spent 60 bucks on swarovski rhinestones and a rhinestone heat tool just to bling out my shoes.
-This other time, I was in warmups, and looked down at my shoes, and all the rhinestones had fallen off.
-I almost broke my mom's iphone last year when I received an email from my coach that my S4 was in 1st after day one of a comp, when I threw it off a bar table in a restaurant purely out of shock.
-Last confession is that I have probably 50 more confessions but can't bring myself to write them..
-this is bad but when i see a team stretching in warm ups i always judge them by their uniform. if there uniform looks good i assume their really good and if i don't like it i assume their bad idk why maybe its just me.
-when i was younger and on like a level 3 team i would walk in the arena with my ipod in and listen to my music and pull my arms like a full to intimated people
- i stalk my competitions facebooks/youtubes/twitters looking for a video of them
- and i may or may not of gone in the mens room in warm ups because there was no one in there and the girls room line was way to long..
i just laughed for like five minutes at this. How cute!
While my teammates were busy taking privates and doing so much extra conditioning to get better tumbling senior year, I (the only guy on my Coed 4 team) settled for 3rd to last pass and spend my off days studying my butt off to get into an Ivy.

Welp, I always landed my pass without privates, was a "national champ" twice that year, and attained my academics goals along the way. :)
Every time I'm in warm ups, I don't want to be touched, talked to, acknowledged, anything. I don't want to dance, sing, hold hands, nothing. My teammates have learned to not talk to me because I'm a freaking dragon backstage.

I have to go on the floor alone. Same deal, I dont want to be touched.

I always convince myself to quit before I go on the floor. I always say, why do I put myself through this back pain, emotional pain, and this anxiety? And then I have so much fun on the floor that I never do.

I'm the peacekeeper on the team. I HATE fighting at practice or at competitions. Ridiculous.

I joke about my parents not coming to competitions, and sometimes it's nice to be alone. The first time I competed without them there, I caught myself looking for them before we took the floor and it ruined my whole day.
At Jamz in Vegas last year, I was a sobbing mess before warmups because I somehow convinced myself my dad was going to surprise me from Tennessee. I don't know how I thought it was reasonable AT ALL, but it broke my heart when he wasn't there. :/.

I'm getting burnt out on cheer really really fast.
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