All-Star Confessions Of A Cheerleader

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OMG I have more... lol what is wrong with me?
- I ALWAYS do my hair for practice... some may think its weird but my philosiphy is if you look fierce, you will be fierce and just having my hair up and poofed with a bow makes me feel complete at practice
- Not to brag, but I'm usually known as the girl who has good hair and has to do everyone's poofs at competition, but I don't mind, I like to help everyone out.
- When my flyer hurts me, you bet your butt i'm telling her, I used to feel bad and just brush it off, but one too many elbow's to the teeth and now i'm going to call you out for sure.
- I have the BIGGEST issue with people missing practice... I can't STAND it, and people on my team know it. They know when they miss that i'm going to be texting them asking them 21 questions and giving them hell. I know i'm not a coach but if i'm driving almost an hour to practice and you live 10 minutes away and don't come because your nose is running, that ticks me off.
- I judge cheerleaders by their poof, if its all crooked and jank looking I'm going over it in my head like how did she get that to look like that?
- I hate the people on the team that always want to be difficult and not cooperatehere's no I in team and it takes every single person giving 110% for things to work
- Jumps is and will always be the most difficult part of a routine for me
- I work really really hard to make sure none of my stunts come down, and my stunt comes in early/extra days/etc. just because I want to know in my head there is no doubt about it hitting.

I'm sure I will think of more, I probably should be done though.
Lets see:

-as much as I hate it when people miss practice, I always secretly cheer a little bit inside if they are in one of my stunts.
-^I feel guilty about that every time, and immediately tell myself that I need to work on the stunt.
-JUMPS kill me. If I could do the routine, minus jumps, I would be fine. jumps always get me.
-My name is Samantha Foor, and I have cheated on conditioning..
-People always ask me how I poof my hair so well, and I tell them all the same thing, tease it all, rubber band, push it forward, and for some reason it just boggles their minds how I do it, but its so simple for me to do, i just don't understand the complexity of poofing hair.
-Everytime my coach yells at me, I just sit there and take it, but in my head there are curse words and comebacks, and sassy sarcastic comments everywheeerrreee. Good thing I can control myself is all I have to say.

I'm sure that I will be posting in this thread again.

-I always stretch, I stretch at home, I stretch while doing homework, I stretch at least 3 times a day. Everyone on my team used to make fun of me for it; I can do my needle now, and I got all the features.

-I HATE when people sit out when they are sick. Like get up, and shake it off. I had to teach my team an entire routine, and I could barley stand. If I can do that, you can practice with the sniffles.

-I HATE when we stop running, and people are NOT tired. If you are not dying, then you could've ran faster.

-When people think they should be in the front of the formation because they have been on the team longer, I want to hit them. At the end of the day if you want to win, it's about talent level. I'm sorry I don't care if you've been doing this for 10 years, if a rookie can out-dance you, walk yourself to the back.
I do mine the same way minus the teasing (thank you thick hair) and Ive never understood why it takes someone more than 10 minutes to do a poof.

My hair is super thick too! I tease it to make sure it stays, plus i usually sleep on my hair if its a 2 day comp and it stays in that way!
1. If my mom tries to get me to go to school the Monday after competition, I cry and say my stomach hurts. She's caught on but she usually just gives in.
2. When coaches yell at me a LOT, it makes me want to try less...
3. I get so nervous before we take the floor that I almost cry (okay.. sometimes I do cry...)
4. I'm really superstitious and knock three times anytime I say something I think might jinx us. Our elite stunt has a ripple in switch ups.. If I hear the crowd go crazy after the last count, I know we hit and I say to myself "WE HIT"... Then I knock on my flyer's leg three times. She's used to it now.
5. When my arms/hands are cold, I can't land any tumbling so I convince myself I have a sudden mental block.
6. When my coaches tell us to do our jump sequence (with tumbling) 5 times on our own, I hide in the back if they won't count for me. Because I can't do it without them counting.
7. I'm the sneaky one who always knows about our competition.
8. All of my college application essays are about cheerleading...
9. I have certain bracelets I won't tumble without and I hide them under my uniform at competitions.
I'm probably the most low maintainance cheerleader ever. I have no interest in tanning for competitions - especially tanning beds because they are really bad for your health - as long as my comp hair resembles a poof that's fine, I don't see the big deal in cheer things that are 'blinged out', unlike most other girls on my team after the coaches have done our make up I don't touch it up/improve it etc and I'm so thankful for my naturally curly hair because while everone else spends hours with a curling iron, I simply wash and plait my hair the night before and I'm done :D.

I've spent many a time crying over the fact that I can't tumble despite being a cheerleader for almost 8 years.

I'm starting to lose my passion for cheer and I'm not sure why :(
So many.

- It bothers me when the really pale girls on my team don't spray tan.. I know not everyone's obsessive compulsive about a tan like me, but like puhlease ladies would it kill you?
- I complain and act like I'm dying when I have to wake up in the dark for a competition, but I secretly love it.
- You better believe I will call you out if your team spreads out over half the floor in awards so I have no leg space..
- I am 100% judging you by your hair and makeup, not even sorry
- If you drop an easy stunt in competition that we've been doing all year, don't speak to me for at least a week.
- Before Worlds this year I used my university's wifi to download like 50 worlds mixes and I don't regret it
Oh- here's an actual confession.

I may or may not show non-cheer people a blurryish video of Top Gun Lg Coed 2007 and pretend that I'm one of the guys on the team when I'm questioned about my athleticism in high school and/or asked if there are any videos of me from ESPN... :oops:

I may or may not have actually done that today... whoops.
Real confession time!
For context, I have sports induced asthma:

During a routine I never have enough air (And thus, energy) to tumble.
I cant catch my breath and my fingers start to tingle by the time first stunt is over. From that point on Im just running on faith.
I pull my full dizzy because I cant catch my breath, I just run off of muscle memory and hope my body knows what to do.

Up until now Ive been able to get by with good technique and by pushing through my toes, but Im worried I will bust my corner pass at nationals because I cant get enough air in my lungs; the whole team would probably resent me for a long time.

If I told my coaches this Id probably be taken off mat, so Ive never told anyone for fear theyd tell the coaches.
1. I have to pee about ten times before I compete. And I have to go the the bathroom like 4 times a practice.
2. I never cheat with conditioning unless it involves push ups or burpees. Then I'm cheating and in the far back corner!!
3. I HAVE TO walk out on the floor with someone holding there hand until after both of my feet are on the blue mat. Or I will freak out.
4. I have to drink caffeine of some sort before competing.
5. I fierceboard more than I text, get on twitter, or check any other websites.
6. I only have cheer friends and one non cheer friend. The rest are cheerleaders, fierceboarders, and my cat. So sad..
I'll confess that I can't STAND it when I hear people complain either to or about their "crazy cheer moms". When you have a mom who has never really cared about cheer and hates going to cheer competitions, it sucks to see people complain about their parents' passion for the sport. Be grateful your mom is invested in what you do!
So many keep popping in my mind to post, but I'll contain myself and just post one more.

Back when I was a back spot, my coach always told our team to never take our eyes or focus off our flyer while she was in the air. Nonetheless, I always took quick glances at the other stunt groups in my periphery to make sure they were still in the air at every single competition. I could always tell by the audience if we were hitting or not, but I still have to quickly look around myself. haha.
4. I'm really superstitious and knock three times anytime I say something I think might jinx us. Our elite stunt has a ripple in switch ups.. If I hear the crowd go crazy after the last count, I know we hit and I say to myself "WE HIT"... Then I knock on my flyer's leg three times. She's used to it now.

Lol!!! I love this. I cannot imagine what goes through your flyers mind when you start hitting her leg. That is too cute!
although im excited when i get moved up in the routine or on another team, i cant help but feel bad for the girls spot i took
Thread 'Who is excited for NCA College Nationals 2025?'
What teams are you most excited to see? Weber has become one of my favorites! Their stunting and tumbling skills are incredible!
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