All-Star Cover Up Rule, For Those That Have Competed This Season

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Lol that was quite possibly the most inaccurate description of me I've ever seen! I believe in all kinds of "noble things" - I guess our definitions are just different. I don't think telling a little girl in Starbucks she's beautiful is necessarily "noble" - I'd describe it as "what everyone would do".

It's not PC talk when it's a child. I think most people on here who also know me in person will tell you I'm just like this in real life - I say what's on my mind. I'd hardly say my "courage goes away" when face to face. But yes, if you ask me my opinion of your child *in front of her* I'm going to be nice. I don't think little girls need to be told they look trashy. If you asked me without her there I'd have no trouble telling you face to face that I don't think sports bras and spankies are appropriate attire for little girls to wear in public.

As for the rules committee, I'm pretty sure they based this on what the majority of people outside our sport think. Yes, the majority. I'm not sure why you don't believe that, but the majority of people outside cheer think the uniforms go beyond inappropriate.

Is your argument that you don't think the majority of people feel that way?
Just-a-Mom this is his way if you don't agree then there is something clearly wrong with you. Been there had this debate with him - glad someone else is going there this time.
If coaches are so hostile in front of a computer screen, I wonder how they act on the practice floor? My cp's t-shirt is in her pile of stuff ready to go for our first competition this weekend... SHE could care less that she has to cover up. I guess I just don't get what all the drama is all about. There is enough drama with teenagers, I really do not need drama from a coach who is supposed to represent their gym in a classy, professional manner. Our gym embraces the concept and noone is complaining about it.
I went to a Jamfest competion and this rule was not inforced that I saw, I was even joking about it with a friend
Same here. We went to Jamfest this past Sunday, and there were lots of kids walking about in their half tops (clearly Mini/Youth aged kids) with no enforcement of this rule that I could see. Our program followed this rule as directed by our owners/coaches, but I definitely saw lots of little bellies this past weekend.
im beginning to wonder if warm ups are going to become the "thing to see" as well as new uniforms...since sticking with this restriction means that cheerleaders will be spending more time in their warm ups than showing their uniforms... i feel like in a year or two theyre gonna have different worlds warm ups, day 1/day 2 warm ups, etc. not necessarily a bad thing, but $$$$$$

When do you think sponsorships and endorsements are going to be on the warm up and Travel Gear?

A Papa John’s patch
A Coke or Pepsi Patch
A Fancy Face Make Up Patch
YUM Brands Patch
Southwest Airlines Logo

Ok laugh but I can see the warm up looking like a NASCAR Drivers Fire Suit some Day... There is a source of untapped revenue on that warm up. Now that it must be worn until warm up I can see power house gyms getting Major Sponsorships.
Honestly, I don't get where your hostility is coming from. Why are you jumping all over people all the time?

well I guess it is just a little frustrating when you are having a discussion and the person keeps changing their position or restating it so that they can dismiss what was said, or is just generally untruthful....
Mom2Cheergirls...actually if you look when someone makes a point that is true I gladly yield and accept when I am wrong.....
I guess I don't share the desire to see us categorized as a "sport" since I already operate under the knowledge that we are. What will being given that title really change anyway??

I can respect the fact that you don't share the desire to see Cheer categorized as a sport, however, I also, repspect those that would like to get that recognition. As far as, what that title can bring to Cheer? Hopefully, more opportunities for our athletes in the form of scholarships. Right now, the majority of the Universities and Colleges give you a uniform and a free ride on the bus. Here is a listing of some colleges that provide some type of grant/stipends/scholarhip:
Cheerleading Scholarships
Recognition could, also, provide more access to trainers, physical therapists, and athletic doctors at Universities/Colleges.

You also stated, and I quote:

"Not sure what "youth impaired" means but i again say that reputation is the wrong thing to focus on..."

And my "youth impaired" comment was based on YOUR comment of:

Yesterday on our way to practice my youngest daughter and I stopped by Starbucks. While we were in line the older lady in front of us turned around and looked at my daughter, who was all ready for practice in her sports bra and spankies with her big purple sparkly bow. The older lady ask her "where are you going so dressed up"..and my daughter responded "practice"..the older lady replied "what are you practicing? what sport do you play".. my daughter pinned back her shoulders and lifted her chin and proclaimed "i am an All-Star Cheerleader"...

Because I'm not sure what your definition of "older" is, and I'm over the age of forty, I used the termonolgy I prefer of "youth impaired". However, I do find it interesting when I said "youth impaired", you likened it to me focusing on "reputation" but, when you say "older" it's just an adjective.....just sayin':rolleyes:
Sorry about that mix up....I didn't get that connection....
I just ment in general the argument always goes back to that "outsiders" opinion of uniforms, makeup, bows, etc......thats all....
well I guess it is just a little frustrating when you are having a discussion and the person keeps changing their position or restating it so that they can dismiss what was said, or is just generally untruthful....
Mom2Cheergirls...actually if you look when someone makes a point that is true I gladly yield and accept when I am wrong.....
I think you do but I have seen when you disagree with a person you then tend to take it to a personal level (not just with me I have seen you do it to others) and people called you out on it when you did it to me so I was letting this poster know that this where I personally have seen you tend to go on more than one occasion with more than one other poster.
well I guess it is just a little frustrating when you are having a discussion and the person keeps changing their position or restating it so that they can dismiss what was said, or is just generally untruthful....
Mom2Cheergirls...actually if you look when someone makes a point that is true I gladly yield and accept when I am wrong.....


Since you've decided to attack me personally as opposed to the issue, I'm going to have to ask you to at least back up the things you've said about me with facts:
1. Hypocrite? (Saying one thing, doing another. Where have I done this? Not saying it's impossible, I just don't see where I've done this, so please provide me an example of where I personally have been a hypocrite in regards to this thread)
2. Changing my position? (I think my position on this topic has been very clear and very firm.)
3. Restating? (Oh, wait. No elaboration needed. I'm guilty as charged on this one. :oops: Although I'm not sure how I can be changing my position and restating it at the same time, since they are completely opposite actions. So maybe elaborate on that.)
4. Untruthful? (I'm lying??? About what? You've been on FB long enough to know that calling someone a liar is fightin' words. :eek: I would hope you've got some good concrete examples of my "untruths" before you going throwing that around as an accusation.)

I'm more than happy to debate an issue all day (and sometimes all night) with someone. But when you start attacking my character, I draw the line. Just a note, I still have not stooped to saying anything about you as a person. And I won't.
Sorry about that mix up....I didn't get that connection....
I just ment in general the argument always goes back to that "outsiders" opinion of uniforms, makeup, bows, etc......thats all....
No problem, we may not see eye to eye on everything, however, I like your passion on this subject. I looked at the Worlds packet last night and now you can call me a hypocrite, I see your concern, the rules just keep on coming down the pipe-line.

Team mom at competition:
  • Collect t-shirt from 30 athletes upon entering warm-ups.
  • Follow athletes from mat-to-mat in warm-ups to be there if anything is needed from the supplies you constantly carry (band-aid, tylenol, contact lens solution, etc.), while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Follow athletes backstage while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Try to watch and applaud your cp and team from the audience while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Be backstage to distribute t-shirts to excited athletes when they come off-stage while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Get the right t-shirt to the right athlete.
  • Finally get to tell your cp how proud you are of them.
Team mom at competition:
  • Collect t-shirt from 30 athletes upon entering warm-ups.
  • Follow athletes from mat-to-mat in warm-ups to be there if anything is needed from the supplies you constantly carry (band-aid, tylenol, contact lens solution, etc.), while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Follow athletes backstage while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Try to watch and applaud your cp and team from the audience while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Be backstage to distribute t-shirts to excited athletes when they come off-stage while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Get the right t-shirt to the right athlete.
  • Finally get to tell your cp how proud you are of them.

This is the reason I originally posted this thread! Not to debate the merits of the rule (although I did join in that debate briefly, sorry). Regardless of personal opinion, it's a rule. I wanted to figure out how this would work in practical application. I'm fortunate enough to only be team mom to 10 though, and we're not allowed back into warm-ups.
This is the reason I originally posted this thread! Not to debate the merits of the rule (although I did join in that debate briefly, sorry). Regardless of personal opinion, it's a rule. I wanted to figure out how this would work in practical application. I'm fortunate enough to only be team mom to 10 though, and we're not allowed back into warm-ups.
I did this for half of last year for a team of 24 and frankly, I felt used and disrespected. I tried to find a cartoon showing several people walking into a hotel or home with one person left behind carrying the bags for everyone. I think I felt used because those t-shirts weighed me down so much, they really limited what I could do while carrying them. This year I stated I would ask my much stronger and younger coaches to take charge of the t-shirts while in warm-ups and performing. I've been told the gym is looking into getting some rollerboard type thing for team moms to carry t-shirts, but actually I want the coaches to be in charge of them for a competition or two and see if they dislike it as much as I and let the gym management know as I have.

I would prefer to see athletes give their t-shirts to their parents as they are leaving for warm-ups and get their t-shirt back from their own parent when coming off stage.
I have already put my feelings out on how this "image" campaign is so unnecessary and one sided so I will just say this about the "cover ups".... it cannot be regulated or enforced and is just a big waste of time .... I know it will be put in our competition information sheet and that is the last I will think about it. I will not put this burden on our team parents nor my coaching staff, they already do so much on a competition day..

Thank you ... from a team mom.
Team mom at competition:
  • Collect t-shirt from 30 athletes upon entering warm-ups.
  • Follow athletes from mat-to-mat in warm-ups to be there if anything is needed from the supplies you constantly carry (band-aid, tylenol, contact lens solution, etc.), while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Follow athletes backstage while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Try to watch and applaud your cp and team from the audience while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Be backstage to distribute t-shirts to excited athletes when they come off-stage while carrying 30 t-shirts.
  • Get the right t-shirt to the right athlete.
  • Finally get to tell your cp how proud you are of them.

I'm confused from what I read of the rules and how our coaches generally run our teams at comps. When the girls are going back as a group they do not need their warm ups on. Our team moms NEVER go back with the team but are in charge until they are all gathered up at the coach appointed spot. Parents and girls bags are usually there as well. We have used warm ups always and all of that stays in their bags with their parents and as long as they are a group walking back to warm ups they would be appropriately attired. The cover ups are for general walking around. As soon as a team is done and back with their parents or having time to walk around with their friends they are supposed to have their warm ups on. The team mom would then not be responsible deshirting and reshirting girls.

Here is what the guideline states (copied from site):
This requirement begins with the 2012-13 season.
Athletes with non-full top uniforms must wear a t-shirt or other suitable cover up over their uniforms unless they are in the warm-up area, traveling as a group directly to or from the warm up area, or on the performance stage.

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