The $16,000 a year I'm sure is total of EVERYTHING. I'm sure I spend close to that on cheer - if you count plane tickets, hotel rooms, all the stuff I buy that's not part of the normal cost (tshirts, bows, extra shoes, etc.) - if you actually sit down and add up EVERYTHING spent in a year of cheer, not just tuition/fees/uniform...I think you'd get a number very close to that. Especially if you consider those girls do more than one performance. Think if you crossed over to another team (especially one that had a different uniform) in your own gym - definitely about the same amount.
Now, cost aside...this woman is sooooooooo lucky she doesn't have any involvement with my kids. I would most definitely pick up and
assault charge or 2 if someone called me and my child trash...or screamed in my kid's face and basically called her dumb. I don't care if the mom was crazy or wrong. If someone I do business with yelled in my face like that it would. be. on. (Oh, and let someone announce on TV that I pay late...:eek:)
I love me some Patty Ann - and I respect her methods. This Abbie woman is just plain a CRAZY B.