The thing is, being a 'star' in dance is..very particular. If you come to Broadway, congrats, you're in a dance call. But honestly, I know people who do dance calls. I could do a dance call. They don't really care that you can do 9 turns in a row. You can? Congrats. They really just want to know that you can do what they ask you to do and you're not annoying as heck to work with. You need to look UNIFORM, and they'd really like it if you can sing on key. Bob Fosse was known for putting girls in triangles because A) He liked angles and B) He wanted to see if you'd stay in the triangle. If you didn't, it usually meant you were more concerned with doing your own thing than what he told you to do and you'd be cut. MAYBE if you're doing a straight up almost-entirely-dance show (I think Fuerza Bruta is like that) you'd be set. Sure, some times they'll ask you to improv and if you can do 18 turns and have extensions behind your head, beautiful. Unless you're going to be in a professional dance company (or professional ballet which is a different thing entirely), being a 'star' in dance is it's own particular world. Like being a 'cheerlebrity'. We all know who you are and you're talented, but John Walker in California doesn't give a lick about what you can do. Or maybe you do commercials or you're Beyonce's back-up dancer. You're still not Beyonce, though..jmo. Are they talented and could they go far? Without a doubt.. Does dancing translate well to acting? Sure, it's a start. Not the whole package though.