@Fierce_Elite I'm not trying to help you or shoot you down, but I want to make it clear where you stand. You aren't being singled out for having an opinion, it's for your reaction when people disagree with you. That's it. If you didn't add the last 3 paragraphs to your first post all you would have had was disagreement. That end to your post is like reminding people why they didn't like you before. Every reaction to people's comments is adding to that.
Let me correct a misconception you have-you don't have any right to be here. It is a privately owned message board with clear rules and one of them is that moderators/owner can remove you for bad behavior.
You have 2 choices:
1. Stop posting, read and learn how many people have opinions and disagree with each other and either change their mind or respect each other enough to say: "OK, that post was a little over the top/negative, I didn't mean it that way" or "I see your opinion but I disagree"
2. Keep being argumentative the way you have been and I won't wait till 10 O'Clock
@mstealtoyou time to ban you. Remember, you've been banned before so this one will be permanent unless King somehow decides to overturn it.
I'm watching closely so it's your call.
Everyone else: you probably have figured out by now that you will not change this poster's mind. Stop trying. There is an old saying "don't feed the trolls." It only keeps them coming back and often times this is what they want. This thread had some good discussion but it took a decidedly adult turn. I recommend you take some of the more personal and adult nature to the 18+ or Parent section and leave this thread to stuff that is relevant for the 10-12 year olds that might be reading. If it stays the current course, that will be why I lock it.
Happy posting!