yes, I caught this see, in writing it's all about how and where you word things that give it a slant (purposefully). I'm sure she was at least trying to give the sport some credit, but she definitely worded things in a passive aggressive way at times, and tried to put a slant on it by the order in which she worded things as well (sorry, it's the journalism talking in me which runs in my grandmother was an editor of a newspaper for 30 years, a reporter, an author) I felt the slant at the beginning of the second paragraph..."Haylie is dressed in the Glitter Stars' practice uniform: a teal, sequined bow in her light brown hair, a teal, glitter half-top that buckles over her flat chest, and black cheerleading shorts. Really lady?? Those little quips were unnecessary (and that one was creepy...I mean would you use the same wording describing a young girl's bathing suit top?)