Okay, über nerd alert. I printed the scoring grid for each competition, made my own judging grids that would fit two to a page with the appropriate deduction numbers etc. so I could hash mark as I watched, had my own shorthand for what stunts, jumps, judged the varsity 0.1-1.0 technique category. It gave me something to do..I'm far too analytical for my own good.
The thing of it is....I actually ended up being pretty good at it! By the end of the season I was not only getting ours in the right positions, but usuually got the whole division in the right order. I was best on a varsity scoresheet. The jury is out on whether my kids liked it. There were times where I'd missed some quirky thing..especially on universal spirits whacked out score sheet, where I thought they did better than they did and that could get upsetting. I totally missed their "all passes end in layout" in order to score as a "level 4" pass they had to end in layout. So our junior four that threw 8 bhs, whip, bhs bhs tuck didn't count as a level four pass and we got no points for that section of the sheet.
You know....cause whips aren't level four or anything.
But to answer your question, I haven't seen the new grids yet and I've been looking. Just the other day I was looking for CHEERSPORT's new grid and I haven't seen it yet. Not sure if I'll go to all that trouble this year (last season I scored every team in every division our gym had a team in) I know I won't be doing all that because it was like "working" at a competition and im not doing that anymore, but I'll probably not be able to NOT score my kids divisions. I just like some explanation for placements (good or bad) and I can usually get it from my own watching and notes and be able to explain things to my kids.