When we first got into this sport we had no idea what we were signing up for. LOL My little one wasn't even old enough to be on a team. My Mom and I would take them to all the competitions. In Nov of the 2nd season we were at Athletic Championships in Winston Salem. When dropping the kids off to their teams I looked around and saw the other Dad's there. I called Mr Tealy and said........."Look they compete at (Fill in time here I don't remember. Very O Dark early though!!). You have an hour to shower and get your butt to the coliseum and watch them. He didn't even get there with enough time to make it into the parent section, he watched it from the stands. After that weekend you would have had to beat him off with a stick. He was at every single one for years and years. But I do remember clearly who WAS down front with me cheering her on!!!
Mo-Lissa. T-O-N. That was SOOO long ago!!! LMAO
With the travel schedule these last few years it's not always possible to fly all of us to where we need to be so we've taken to alternating years going to NCA. We all went 3 years ago. I went 2 years ago. He went last year. I go this year. His turn next season. Etc etc etc.
I feel so sad for the parents who missed all this time with their kids on trips. Some of our best memories over the years have been all piled into the car heading to Atlanta or Nashville or Orlando or DC or Indy. With 2 aged out and 1 left cheering we cherish those memories and times that we were all together.
samantha says "The Clampett's come to Cheersport" LMAO That was a great trip wasn't it??