Here they are: Like I said I take the grid and then put it into a mini score sheet that makes sense to me that I can work from during a competition. This is what that is. It's NOT updated for the grid changes because I haven't looked at it since last season. If it was a two day comp i'd do one page per team (since there are two grids on each) if it was a one day I'd just do one team after another.
If I had time I filled in the team names ahead of time in their performance order so I just flipped from one page to the next (which you'll see on one of these which was the last time I messed with it before the last competition). You're welcome to DL it and edit and fix it for yourself if you find that helpful. I'd keep these on the right side of my notebook (i'm right handed) and the left side which would be the back of the page before it, was where i kept my running "order of awards" as each team went.
It worked for me. I got pretty good at it by the time I finished up last season. I learned quickly to video my own kids performance and go back and score from the video because (since that's the routine i know, and I knew where the problems were, or where my kids were) i'd get distracted looking for one thing rather than watching the WHOLE team - so I video when they're live and watch what I want, then go back and score on this sheet from the video. Works well.
Here you go: (hoping the links work, the button is grayed out for some reason so I'm jsut posting the actual link)
CHEERSPORT.docx - Google Drive
Varsity Grid 11-12
Varsity Grid.docx - Google Drive
Universal Spirit Grid 11-12
Universal Spirit.docx - Google Drive