College Forced To Forfeit Nca Title

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What really sucks in this is that the media is using the one student that graduated early as a scapegoat. There were people on the team that didn't even go to the school.
What really sucks in this is that the media is using the one student that graduated early as a scapegoat. There were people on the team that didn't even go to the school.

Wait, so there was an athlete that graduated early but also athletes that were not even students of the University? It seems like since the schools Registar's office was suppose to sign off on their waivers and class schedules that someone didn't do their job on that end. NCA could also be blamed for not checking their paper work but for all they know the Registar's Office did things correctly. Wow this situation is getting worse with more information coming out.
Wait, so there was an athlete that graduated early but also athletes that were not even students of the University? It seems like since the schools Registar's office was suppose to sign off on their waivers and class schedules that someone didn't do their job on that end. NCA could also be blamed for not checking their paper work but for all they know the Registar's Office did things correctly. Wow this situation is getting worse with more information coming out.

Nahh. cheating is cheating.
Cheating is wrong no matter how its done and must be handled accordingly. Consequences must be handled based on facts not assumptions or allegations and stories put out my media & TV.
Plenty of teams do it. college and all star. they just happened to get caught. he still created a first place routine and is one of the most creative, talented coaches in the state and perhaps the country. there is no need to strip him of that recognition. the thing that sucks is that he wasn't given any pull in the school to recruit or help with new athletes acceptance into the school. and its not like those kids never went to the school. they finished like the semester before or something. this was definitely blown out of proportion, but who better to make a big deal out of something than cheerleaders.

its clear to me you obviously will back him up since you have on that pace empire uni on you default. and kuddos to you for that because he is your coach. YES, he is very talented. YES, he created a 1st place routine to win at NCA. but you said that the school didnt help him market so he basically had no choice but to pull alumni onto the team. im sorry but thats not about the way to go. yes i believe in do what you gotta do to make this routine work BUT cheating isnt the way to go about!

its shocking to me that you think this is okay. this whole "they just so happened to get caught." ... im sure you would want it to be a big deal if you were on the "SFA" team. if sure if you were to coach (unless you already are) we would all know to keep a closer eye to you team/gym if you ever decide to "cheat" but its okay because everyone does it!

What really sucks in this is that the media is using the one student that graduated early as a scapegoat. There were people on the team that didn't even go to the school.

I thought a form needed to be signed off by the athletic department with a class schedule attached. Wonder how this slipped through the cracks. Has it been verified that non-university members were on the team or is a rumor?
Let's look at the response in any NCAA Recognized Sport, if you are determined to not follow the "intent" of the rules much less the actual law of the Sport schools may face something as drastic as the "Death Penalty." Apparently, since this has occurred in two different programs during successive years the issue may run deeper, you know the old adage "if you find one problem ..." The question surfacing for me is, "What will the NCA Collegiate Cheer Competition alter to enforce participation rules?"

Actions speak much louder than apologies whether public or private, what sanctions should the offenders face?

What have been the responses and actions of NCA & Varsity Brands? They are the competition sponsors, what are they doing to assure each student athlete appropriate recognition earned in pursuit of the National title?
I thought a form needed to be signed off by the athletic department with a class schedule attached. Wonder how this slipped through the cracks. Has it been verified that non-university members were on the team or is a rumor?

The Registar's office at the University was suppose to sign off on each athlete's waiver where their class schedule was attached. Problem that could have happened is that those athletes competed under an alternate's name meaning the paperwork was in for the alternate, but it was used for someone else. Either that or the Registar's Office is sort of to blame for signing off for a student that wasn't part of the University.
The Registar's office at the University was suppose to sign off on each athlete's waiver where their class schedule was attached. Problem that could have happened is that those athletes competed under an alternate's name meaning the paperwork was in for the alternate, but it was used for someone else. Either that or the Registar's Office is sort of to blame for signing off for a student that wasn't part of the University.

How could a University sign off on a class schedule that DID NOT exist in their data base? All in all, wouldn't the coach know if the student athlete was a student?
How could a University sign off on a class schedule that DID NOT exist in their data base? All in all, wouldn't the coach know if the student athlete was a student?

If that athlete used someone else's schedule then they would not have known. The coach would have known, the point is he didn't care (if this is all true which I am beginning to think is). My theory is the athlete either did not have any paperwork signed off at all and when they got to Daytona they used an althernate's paperwork in order to compete, or the athlete got someone else's schedule signed off on pretending to be that person. Not sure if the coach takes the paperwork to the office and gets it signed off on or if each individual athlete has to take it personally and get it signed.
Im sad that this has happened. Long beach state has had a great program for many years and I hope that it can be revamped and they can move on from this experience. Eric is a great guy and has been a huge influence on the southern california cheer world for many years. It was a bad decision on his part and now he has to live with it. Im sure there are many schools that have done the same thing in the past and maybe the more that it is reconized the less often it will happen. This includes all star teams with kids over age that I have had a concern about for many years. Im sure that the team members were aware of the situation, but wanted what they wanted and at the time it was worth it. Theres not one college cheer team that I had been on in the past that I didnt know everything about everyones business. Hopefully this will be an eye opener for all teams to be honest and win with integrity.
Hey Guys, I was scared to click on this thread, because i did not want to read anything saying that SFA SMALL COED did not deserve to win, but as I was reading this, i couldn't help but smile because yall didn't make this post to bash on SFA at all.
Someone said how do you think Eric felt when SFA got called in 2nd…I don't know anything about Eric, but even though it sucked getting second, we are the winners now, they have to live with going through winning, and then having to give the title back….that probably sucks too.
Then you mentioned how we felt knowing we were in second….It sucked, we already knew that long beach had people on the mat that shouldn't have been because word travels fast in the cheer world, and i know nothing about the state of california, and if everyone knows everyone and where they cheer, but i hear its comparable to texas, so we started to investigate, and shortly after we got the title back.
We finally just got our banner and trophy this week, but nothing will be able to make up for us missing out on our moment on the bandshell, or being able to run into the ocean with LARGE COED and our trophies.
Hey Guys, I was scared to click on this thread, because i did not want to read anything saying that SFA SMALL COED did not deserve to win, but as I was reading this, i couldn't help but smile because yall didn't make this post to bash on SFA at all.
Someone said how do you think Eric felt when SFA got called in 2nd…I don't know anything about Eric, but even though it sucked getting second, we are the winners now, they have to live with going through winning, and then having to give the title back….that probably sucks too.
Then you mentioned how we felt knowing we were in second….It sucked, we already knew that long beach had people on the mat that shouldn't have been because word travels fast in the cheer world, and i know nothing about the state of california, and if everyone knows everyone and where they cheer, but i hear its comparable to texas, so we started to investigate, and shortly after we got the title back.
We finally just got our banner and trophy this week, but nothing will be able to make up for us missing out on our moment on the bandshell, or being able to run into the ocean with LARGE COED and our trophies.

So glad you got what's yours and so sad that nothing can make up for this moment, but Congrats!!!!!!!

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