College Forced To Forfeit Nca Title

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Congrats to SFA. I cheer for Coastal Carolina, and we placed 5th (now 4th) with this being our first appearance in this division. We obviously were not as affected by this, but I did get to stand on stage with these teams for awards and witnessed first hand these SFA athletes as they were standing right next to us when announced as runner-ups. As a competitor in this division, I am glad to see what the changes were made and the rightful champion given their due credit. Once again, congratulations to SFA!
WOWWWWWWWW!!! is really all i can say!

specially since he is a DIRECTOR for the West Coast for USASF or something along those lines?! what a shame!

Character: attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual, reputation, notable or conspicuous traits (Merriam-Webster dictionary)
The action of NCA in response will be indicative of their CHARACTER since everyone remembers actions … not words! When everyone competes according to the rules only one needs to cross the line to create competitions without rules for SAFETY or when determining Championships. If a Coach, Athlete or Alumni ignore the rules in Collegiate athletics the whole program will receive sanctions for the current year and in some cases many following years to compensate for breaking the rules to create an advantage. If review by the NCAA determine a Coach or Player/Athlete has broken the rules then sanctions may also include future inability continuing participation in the sport at Collegiate Levels. High School athletics have similar actions, one difference being they are controlled by State rather than National organizations.

In Cheer competitions whether as in the case of CSULB, or non-school based programs such as All*Star programs, are ALL very closely associated a question should be asked, “How will Eric Anderson be sanctioned for future participation in ANY cheer related activities?”
Actions by NCA, USASF/IASF and Varsity Brands will demonstrate their determination to establish standards of conduct for Athletes, Coaches and all Programs!
Plenty of teams do it. college and all star. they just happened to get caught. he still created a first place routine and is one of the most creative, talented coaches in the state and perhaps the country. there is no need to strip him of that recognition. the thing that sucks is that he wasn't given any pull in the school to recruit or help with new athletes acceptance into the school. and its not like those kids never went to the school. they finished like the semester before or something. this was definitely blown out of proportion, but who better to make a big deal out of something than cheerleaders.

Are you looking for a competition venue where no rules exist ... and no character? If as you say Eric is "one of the most creative, talented coaches in the state and perhaps the country" then why did he need to knowingly violate the rules governing participation? What was he attempting to accomplish ... winning at all cost ... to the determent of the School, Athlete, Competition Sponsor, Coach and ALL Cheer Athletes?

You may need to spend some time revisiting your personal values & character to determine what you would have done in the same situation. More than one person is actually responsible for any decision to allow a non-qualified athlete to compete;

Coach - knew athlete wasn't eligible
Athlete - knew they were NOT eligible
Travel Department for CSULB Athletics- Only qualified student athletes & Coaches are covered for travel
NCA - responsible for providing administration designed to keep the playing field level for all competitors; upon discovering this type of issue they must provide responses equivalent to the action

If your opinion is that more individuals than just Eric Anderson are guilty and therefore need to also be included in this discussion … I agree, however it is my belief allowing individuals or groups to break the rules is very bad for competitions, SAFETY and ultimately for all Cheer Athletes!
CSULB demonstrated their character by returning the title and the awards ASAP, how have NCA, USASF/IASF and Eric Anderson responded to these allegations? How will their Character be revealed, in their actions!
hence why i said this was blown out of proportion.

Responses by an employee’s organization demonstrate their determination to maintain a high ethical standard, how can you interpret their response as being blown out of proportion? Any Collegiate Athletic organization has a responsibility to care for all their programs with similar ethical behavior as the balance of their collegiate community since each has a reputation at risk not to mention a huge budget, which provides Collegiate Scholarships for student athletes. In the absence of rules CHAOS will rule! Collegiate Athletic programs know the NCAA will monitor all of their activities and therefore they must remain consistent with the “intent of the rules” more so than actual stated rules.

Actions speak louder than words, “CSULB demonstrated their character in their response!”
I was curious about if this was the same situation that Morehead go into last year, the Univeristy made them give up their title because one of their athletes had graduated in December making him ineligible to compete by the rules of the University even though the UCA rules said that he still could.

Now is UCA rules different then NCA because UCA still recognizes Morehead as the D1 Coed champs for 201o even though the University does not.

I question this because if NCA and UCA have the same policy about athletes being able to graduate in December and still compete at nationals that year then there HAS to be more to it then athletes that graduated that fall because NCA is NOT recognizing Long Beach has even being in the division.

Did you ever hear an accurate answer to this question? Yours is a valid point.

As one concerned for the rules and fairness of the competition, my desire is for the rule to either apply to all … or not exist. When someone runs afoul of the rules, they should be sanctioned accordingly with penalties matching the violation. This one is at the Top of the list of issues requiring appropriate sanctions, however there does need to exist some method for anyone to prove they have altered their activities as monitored by other respected leaders within the Cheer community. The sanction for this type violation in Football would be several years in length and usually require the Coach to no longer be associated with the Sport until that period is completed. In some cases in business this type of ethics violation can preclude individuals from being involved in any aspect of the business for life!

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time! (1960-1970's “Baretta” TV Show Theme Song, show stared Robert Blake)
I'm not trying to be rude, just wanted to point out that San Diego State competes at USA nationals and I know there's other colleges in California that do too. I know that USA nationals are not held to the same caliber as NCA or UCA, but it is still an accomplishment! :)

Accomplishment of what? Maybe a demonstration … of the impact of violating the rules … & the result for the athletes who did NOT receive their due recognition!
I'd be surprised if anyone can accurately compile this information. From what I understand insurance laiblity policies for cheer are not entirely accurate. If so I am sure they would not allow as many high school teams to be coached by uncertified coaches or they wouldn't allow them to instruct skills they are not qualified to supervise or teach.

When we consider that the only “Certification” available is through either NCSSE or AACCA for Coaches you begin to realize currently many Coaches are under qualified and overburdened with responsibility for the youth in their care. Both AACCA & NCSSE really qualify better as an “Introduction to Cheer Risk Management” than as a “Coach Certification.”

One youth, one accident can change a life, not just for the moment … but for LIFE! A frightening thought as someone expressed last year, “We are one death or catastrophic injury away from “GROUND BOUND!”

Hate to think all of the creativity we enjoy each year could disappear due to the carelessness of one Coach … but then again … I hate to see one more athlete added to the list of CATASTROPHIC injuries associated with Cheer!
I know of some "high profile" colleges that have done this in the past and never got caught.....NCA just chooses who they want to catch.

Are you comfortable in naming names and dates? Accusations are one thing, details supporting this type statement which can be verified are another.

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