- May 26, 2012
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And what would be his "criminal" background and how long ago was it? Let me tell you this, I know the guy you are speaking of and the supposed "criminal" background and it is nothing BUT it shouldn't matter because HE is not coaching. He was stunting HIS daughter's and no one else's, I was there!!!!! He and his family are wonderful people and the lies that are being spread about them and Nitros are atriocious and I am tired of it. You and the other people that are spreading these lies need to be careful of the lies you spread because it is slander. And really, you just gonna throw that out there...that they bused kids from DE, really? I am gonna take a guess that you are from the Frederick area from another gym. I suggest you put out facts and quit spreading stupid lies. Really bused them from DE, LMAO!!! I can not wait to hear what lies you all comes up with next. And did you actually go and read Louis Berman's bio on Nitros website or are you just throwing that out there hoping that sticks too? Pathetic!!
I have no affiliation with either Fusion or Nitros, and I merely repeated what I’d heard, some of which has been confirmed by you. Yes, I saw Louis’ so-called credentials, and I saw nothing about any sort of USASF or other certifications so I'm not impressed. Several people who were at Nitros’ open house said there were long lines for girls to stunt with both Louis and the father in question AND that the father was walking around with a clipboard evaluating kids at tryouts – not something a typical father would do. For the record, stating that someone has a criminal background is not slander if it’s true, which you agree it is, and it’s all in black and white on the Maryland judiciary website. I don’t care how long ago it was, I wouldn’t trust my child with someone who was charged with assault and battery. But, hey, that’s just my opinion, and if that doesn’t bother you, to each his own! Maybe you should heed your own advice and be careful about slandering other people and gyms, as you seem to be the only one here being nasty.