All-Star Gyms Merging In Maryland

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And what would be his "criminal" background and how long ago was it? Let me tell you this, I know the guy you are speaking of and the supposed "criminal" background and it is nothing BUT it shouldn't matter because HE is not coaching. He was stunting HIS daughter's and no one else's, I was there!!!!! He and his family are wonderful people and the lies that are being spread about them and Nitros are atriocious and I am tired of it. You and the other people that are spreading these lies need to be careful of the lies you spread because it is slander. And really, you just gonna throw that out there...that they bused kids from DE, really? I am gonna take a guess that you are from the Frederick area from another gym. I suggest you put out facts and quit spreading stupid lies. Really bused them from DE, LMAO!!! I can not wait to hear what lies you all comes up with next. And did you actually go and read Louis Berman's bio on Nitros website or are you just throwing that out there hoping that sticks too? Pathetic!!

I have no affiliation with either Fusion or Nitros, and I merely repeated what I’d heard, some of which has been confirmed by you. Yes, I saw Louis’ so-called credentials, and I saw nothing about any sort of USASF or other certifications so I'm not impressed. Several people who were at Nitros’ open house said there were long lines for girls to stunt with both Louis and the father in question AND that the father was walking around with a clipboard evaluating kids at tryouts – not something a typical father would do. For the record, stating that someone has a criminal background is not slander if it’s true, which you agree it is, and it’s all in black and white on the Maryland judiciary website. I don’t care how long ago it was, I wouldn’t trust my child with someone who was charged with assault and battery. But, hey, that’s just my opinion, and if that doesn’t bother you, to each his own! Maybe you should heed your own advice and be careful about slandering other people and gyms, as you seem to be the only one here being nasty.
How come the threads with the most drama always have the same gyms in them? There are hundreds of gyms mentioned on this board, and yet it's always the same few that cause so much drama. I can't even say its the same posters bringing up the drama, cause its always someone different.

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And what would be his "criminal" background and how long ago was it? Let me tell you this, I know the guy you are speaking of and the supposed "criminal" background and it is nothing

ok, someone just messaged me the MD Judicial Case Search on this person...and if you call a list of charges such as resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, 2 battery charges and 2 assault charges "supposed" or even putting "criminal" in parentheses you are living in your own world. we aren't talking about traffic citations here.

call it slander if you want but anyone with a violent criminal history SHOULD NOT be around kids in this atmosphere. i have learned my lesson about MD Judicial case search and who owns/coaches in the gym that my child cheers at and I hope that Glenn and Stephanie get wind of this and shoo this parent right off the cheer floor and into the parent area.
aburg29 i noticed on the website that you directed me to that the coach running that location is not USASF certified. what about tumbling? is there a certified tumbling instructor for this location?everyone has been talking about qualified coaches, so i hope that this location has qualified, certified coaches there.

you did contradict yourself and prove that some of the rumors are true. so, a parent with a criminal record was out on the gym floor? i am glad to hear that he wasn't stunting any other children but for the sake of stephanie and glenn what if he droped his own kid and turned around and sued them? that to me sounds like a major liability.

as DJ mentioned, i have no special interest in the fredrick area as i live close to 2 hours from there. i do have friends that have kids who do cheer at nitros delaware location so i was shocked when i heard that information regarding fredrick. and as far as slander is concerned. the only one i have seen talking negatively about a gym is you slamming fusion.
Here is my thing you have not heard ALL the lies that have been told about this location and the people in it. So excuse me if I am coming off just rattling away and irritated, I am just so tired of it and everytime I see more of it I just start fuming. I'm tired of being nice and trying to be the "better person". Sometimes you just gotta speak up.

Look the guy does not have a criminal record, I was simply trying to state he was not coaching because I had already heard the lie and of the supposed "criminal" record. Because the person in this post stated he was stunting, I just wanted to clarify it was only his daughters he was stunting since he is not a coach. Please don't get my words twisted. He should not even be mentioned in any of this, his name, nothing, because he has nothing to do with Nitros.

As for the USASF certified you would have to ask Stephanie and Glenn if he is since it is not listed but I would think Stephanie and Glenn know what they need to make this location as successful as the DE one.

And I am not slandering Fusion I am simply stating I know they are the ones spreading it. I was part of that orginazation and I have seen it first hand. That's why a lot people have left them. We are all trying to just go our separate ways but then we keep hearing all this negativity and lies, it doesn't stop, at some point you have to say enough is enough.
ok, someone just messaged me the MD Judicial Case Search on this person...and if you call a list of charges such as resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, 2 battery charges and 2 assault charges "supposed" or even putting "criminal" in parentheses you are living in your own world. we aren't talking about traffic citations here.

call it slander if you want but anyone with a violent criminal history SHOULD NOT be around kids in this atmosphere. i have learned my lesson about MD Judicial case search and who owns/coaches in the gym that my child cheers at and I hope that Glenn and Stephanie get wind of this and shoo this parent right off the cheer floor and into the parent area.
So apparently you HAVE to know someone from Fusion to get his name so don't try to act like you have no interest in it. First off, you stretched the truth just a little on what you found. And I will repeat this again, he has nothing to do with Nitros so please tell your person that is feeding you the info to stop. The cases are closed, over 12 years old so he has NO criminal record and I repeat again he has NOTHING to do with Nitros. You people kill me, act like you never did anything when you were young. But again NONE of this matters because he has NOTHING to do with Nitros, so you just looked up someone's name to just be nosey. Your Fusion person is lying to you. Why don't you tell your friend to share other people's criminal records with you, you will get a kick out of those :)
I have no affiliation with either Fusion or Nitros, and I merely repeated what I’d heard, some of which has been confirmed by you. Yes, I saw Louis’ so-called credentials, and I saw nothing about any sort of USASF or other certifications so I'm not impressed. Several people who were at Nitros’ open house said there were long lines for girls to stunt with both Louis and the father in question AND that the father was walking around with a clipboard evaluating kids at tryouts – not something a typical father would do. For the record, stating that someone has a criminal background is not slander if it’s true, which you agree it is, and it’s all in black and white on the Maryland judiciary website. I don’t care how long ago it was, I wouldn’t trust my child with someone who was charged with assault and battery. But, hey, that’s just my opinion, and if that doesn’t bother you, to each his own! Maybe you should heed your own advice and be careful about slandering other people and gyms, as you seem to be the only one here being nasty.
Yes I am being nasty and I am not going to apologize for it because I am tired of it...take that how you want. The guy is a parent, that's all. Everyone on here is going to believe what they want. I personally know the guy and I am not going to hold what he did over 12 years ago against him. He is a good guy and I am not going to sit here and not speak up for him especially since I know who first did the search on his name and how it spread. You may not be part of Fusion but someone there told someone, who told you and now you are sharing it with everyone else. So if you can put it out there, then I can defend him.
So apparently you HAVE to know someone from Fusion to get his name so don't try to act like you have no interest in it. First off, you stretched the truth just a little on what you found. And I will repeat this again, he has nothing to do with Nitros so please tell your person that is feeding you the info to stop. The cases are closed, over 12 years old so he has NO criminal record and I repeat again he has NOTHING to do with Nitros. You people kill me, act like you never did anything when you were young. But again NONE of this matters because he has NOTHING to do with Nitros, so you just looked up someone's name to just be nosey. Your Fusion person is lying to you. Why don't you tell your friend to share other people's criminal records with you, you will get a kick out of those :)
I am completely neutral to this particular situation. However, I can tell you that if there was a parent in the practice area of my CP's gym which has been verified and he or she had a criminal record, I wouldn't care how long ago it was and I wouldn't care if he or she "didn't have anything to do with the gym" - I would still have an issue with it, and I would really be angry if that person was in contact with my child. If the parent was in fact "just a parent" and only working with their own child it should be done outside of practice time (and I have never seen this happen at any of the gyms we have been in - just seems odd to me). If it continued after I addressed my concerns I would probably be looking for a new gym. Parents should not be in the practice area of a gym - ever. Parents who work for the gym in any capacity should be considered employees and be held to the same standards as the rest of the staff.
I am completely neutral to this particular situation. However, I can tell you that if there was a parent in the practice area of my CP's gym which has been verified and he or she had a criminal record, I wouldn't care how long ago it was and I wouldn't care if he or she "didn't have anything to do with the gym" - I would still have an issue with it, and I would really be angry if that person was in contact with my child. If the parent was in fact "just a parent" and only working with their own child it should be done outside of practice time (and I have never seen this happen at any of the gyms we have been in - just seems odd to me). If it continued after I addressed my concerns I would probably be looking for a new gym. Parents should not be in the practice area of a gym - ever. Parents who work for the gym in any capacity should be considered employees and be held to the same standards as the rest of the staff.
there was a bunch of parent's there all of the floors it was open house. I do not believe parents will be allowed in the practice area once the practices actually begin.
So apparently you HAVE to know someone from Fusion to get his name so don't try to act like you have no interest in it. First off, you stretched the truth just a little on what you found. And I will repeat this again, he has nothing to do with Nitros so please tell your person that is feeding you the info to stop. The cases are closed, over 12 years old so he has NO criminal record and I repeat again he has NOTHING to do with Nitros. You people kill me, act like you never did anything when you were young. But again NONE of this matters because he has NOTHING to do with Nitros, so you just looked up someone's name to just be nosey. Your Fusion person is lying to you. Why don't you tell your friend to share other people's criminal records with you, you will get a kick out of those :)

do you have multiple personalities? one minute you are attack, attack, attack then the next you are like "i'm sorry, i'm frustrated" and then you go right back to attack. then one minute you say there are no criminal charges, then there are, then they don't count. WTH?!?

someone on fiereceboard who hasn't even been posting in this thread sent me a PM. i was just simply asking a question about rumors that i heard and was hoping someone would dispell them but you pretty much came on here and dug a grave for yourself and the program and confirmed the rumors are true.
do you have multiple personalities? one minute you are attack, attack, attack then the next you are like "i'm sorry, i'm frustrated" and then you go right back to attack. then one minute you say there are no criminal charges, then there are, then they don't count. WTH?!?

someone on fiereceboard who hasn't even been posting in this thread sent me a PM. i was just simply asking a question about rumors that i heard and was hoping someone would dispell them but you pretty much came on here and dug a grave for yourself and the program and confirmed the rumors are true.

I don't count something that happened over 12 years ago a criminal record, especially if they are closed. The rumors are not true, there is no bus, there is no one coaching with a criminal record and the coach running it does have cheer qualifications. Just frustrated with it all, so I am not personally attacking you, I am just attacking the rumors.
I don't count something that happened over 12 years ago a criminal record, especially if they are closed. The rumors are not true, there is no bus, there is no one coaching with a criminal record and the coach running it does have cheer qualifications. Just frustrated with it all, so I am not personally attacking you, I am just attacking the rumors.

Just, if somebody murdered somebody 12 years ago, then it doesn't count?? A criminal record is a criminal record, regardless of how much time has passed, and the Maryland judiciary website clearly disagrees with you.
Murder, anything to do with children is something totally different and you know that. I am stating my opinion and everyone is entitled to one, to me getting in a fight when you are young should not mean he should be kept away from children. But its still irrelevant because he is not coaching,
So apparently you HAVE to know someone from Fusion to get his name so don't try to act like you have no interest in it. First off, you stretched the truth just a little on what you found. And I will repeat this again, he has nothing to do with Nitros so please tell your person that is feeding you the info to stop. The cases are closed, over 12 years old so he has NO criminal record and I repeat again he has NOTHING to do with Nitros. You people kill me, act like you never did anything when you were young. But again NONE of this matters because he has NOTHING to do with Nitros, so you just looked up someone's name to just be nosey. Your Fusion person is lying to you. Why don't you tell your friend to share other people's criminal records with you, you will get a kick out of those :)

I don't know what kind of crowd you run with, but I have a large circle of friends and NONE of them have criminal records, including from when they were close to 30 years old.
I don't know what kind of crowd you run with, but I have a large circle of friends and NONE of them have criminal records, including from when they were close to 30 years old.
I don't understand why you keep bringing him up?? Let it go, he is not coaching. And I am sure your life was just full of rainbows and sunshine right?? ;)
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