My daughter is a 10 year old cheerleader in Illlinois and has been in love with Top Gun for the past few years. We attended worlds this year to support our programs 2 teams that were there and she took a tshirt with to try and trade with someone from Top Gun. When it came down to it she was starstruck and couldn't even approach the Top Gun athletes and was mortified that I might do it for her! When we were on the plane coming home she was in tears because she really regretted not at least attempting a tshirt trade with the Top Gun athletes we saw. I told her I'd try to find a shirt for her. I went on Top Gun's website but didn't see a proshop where I could purchase a shirt. Does anyone out there from Top Gun know how I could get a shirt for my daughter??? It would make her life complete! Thank you! I appreciate any ideas!