All-Star Illegal Athletes

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Aging out can sometimes be sad, but why don't these 20 year old athletes want to move on to bigger things? At some point it's time for the little birdies to leave the nest.

I'm 20 and so far past competing, it's not in my realm of thinking anymore. I'm focused on an education and a career soon. Cheerleading is fun, and by all means stick with it on a college team or open team if you can. But I just don't understand why anyone upwards of 19 would still want to be competing on a senior team. I don't want to come across as rude or harsh but we've all got to grow up sometime.
amen sister! I just got engaged, so I have a wedding to plan lol no time for cheer anymore
Seems like this would be easy to validate since most people fly in, most have to show proper ID to board the plane, depending on the their age...After paying so much $ for cheer a few $ more for a state id is not a lot to ask. You can get a state ID in CA at any age for about $20

That is what I am thinking. You have to show ID to board a plane so you should be perfectly capable to showing a picture ID (NOT A STUDENT ID) to prove who you are (if you are on a senior team I would imagine you have some type of ID). State ID cards are not that expensive and are good to have if you don't have any other form of state or government ID. Heck if you don't want to do that I know that some states will allow you to purchase a wallet size birth certificate. It looks just like the little mini diplomas they give you when you graduate high school but it is a sealed offical copy of your birth certificate. I got one when I got my passport and it has actually come in handy many times. I don't know what other states do this though but it is a good subsitute for those younger senior athletes who don't have a license or passport (it was just a small fee).

The usasf does not enforce their own rules they say over and over they don't have the resources to. So whats the point?
My point is that if you are not going to do something about it (contact the people that should be contacted) then don't point fingers and complain about it because you are sitting there letting it happen IF you have proof. If you don't have proof then I probably wouldn't be pointing fingers but to each their own.
If someone can afford allstar cheer, they can afford a passport. They are harder to forge and require a birth certificate and social security number. I think a passport should be required at least at worlds.
If someone can afford allstar cheer, they can afford a passport. They are harder to forge and require a birth certificate and social security number. I think a passport should be required at least at worlds.
I am not against this idea but the problem with this AGAIN is the usasf won't enforce it. They have rules with no possible appeals and no enforcement so to have families do more time, effort, and money is pointless.
If someone can afford allstar cheer, they can afford a passport. They are harder to forge and require a birth certificate and social security number. I think a passport should be required at least at worlds.
lol for real? do you know how many athletes i know who have scholarships at the gym to afford it and work multiple jobs and still barely have enough money to pay for cheer, you never know peoples story's so dont assume right away #justsayin
I am not against this idea but the problem with this AGAIN is the usasf won't enforce it. They have rules with no possible appeals and no enforcement so to have families do more time, effort, and money is pointless.
It wouldn't be hard to enforce a rule that has someone stand at registration and in warm ups to check IDs. How would it cost more money if you already need an ID to get on a plane to go to worlds anyway?

lol for real? do you know how many athletes i know who have scholarships at the gym to afford it and work multiple jobs and still barely have enough money to pay for cheer, you never know peoples story's so dont assume right away #justsayin
A passport is one of the highest forms of IDs a civilian can carry so it would benefit the athlete for more then just Worlds. I believe for a first time passport (which if you are over 16 is valid for 10 years) is less then $150 so it isn't an outrageous price.
It wouldn't be hard to enforce a rule that has someone stand at registration and in warm ups to check IDs. How would it cost more money if you already need an ID to get on a plane to go to worlds anyway?

A passport is one of the highest forms of IDs a civilian can carry so it would benefit the athlete for more then just Worlds. I believe for a first time passport (which if you are over 16 is valid for 10 years) is less then $150 so it isn't an outrageous price.
i know its nothing outrageous to some its 'just' $150.00 but for some they could need it for something else plus the sport is expensive enough already just offering insight is all as some people have it 'easier' then others you know? :)
I know that for competitions here in Ontario.. with all the rules through Cheer Evolution, our senior teams could have 19 year olds on it, however not 20 years olds.. for us, its because you have to be 18 or under as of august 31, of the year the season started.. so this year for instance.. they would have to be 18 or under as of august 31,2011.. so we do have a guy on our team turning 19
also, because we have people close to the age limit, our gym requires copies of your birth certificate to have on hand with the directors for every competeition.. this way, if anyone is in questioning of their age, we have all the records of every athlete :)
I know that for competitions here in Ontario.. with all the rules through Cheer Evolution, our senior teams could have 19 year olds on it, however not 20 years olds.. for us, its because you have to be 18 or under as of august 31, of the year the season started.. so this year for instance.. they would have to be 18 or under as of august 31,2011.. so we do have a guy on our team turning 19

There could be 19 year olds on Senior teams in the US as well if they have a late birthday. There have been some athletes that have such late birthdays that they could super senior twice and be a sophomore in college on a senior level 5 team.
TBH, in the end if no one is going to enforce it, there will be rule breakers... so annoying :-)

I also agree w/ the posts at some point people need to grow up and sometimes when you are 18 and have aged out, and you don't go to an Open team or chose to cheer at the college level, well, maybe it is time to graduate instead of fight the system and bring the honest people down. People don't purposely stay in High School.... Oh High School is so Fun, I am going to be a Senior AGAIN just to do it b/c it was awesome and I can't grow up!

On the flip side, how about younger that are trying to be older... so either USASF does something and enforces it, or year by year the same complaints are going to happen w/ people being too old OR too young on Senior teams :-)

(Sorry for ranting! Just making a point!)
I get so frustrated with threads like these. If you think you know of someone cheating, you have two options, IMO.

1. You have proof, then turn them in immediately. If you do not have the strength to do that, then send that proof to someone who does.

2. If you do not have proof (or cannot find proof), then don't spread rumors that may or may not be true. ("I heard someone say that one of the people on their school team heard that team X had an illegal athlete" is NOT proof.)

Every time someone throws out the typical: "Well, I KNOW of a big gym / famous team that was cheating, but I don't want to call them out publicly" then my opinion of that poster drops immensely. If you KNOW something, then do something about it. If you don't, then you have no business talking about it on a message board.

USASF tends to get blamed for "letting cheating happen", but the biggest problem BY FAR is that no one turns anyone in. The USASF will investigate what gets sent to them, but they can't do anything about it if they don't know about it.
This is a hot topic for me... NOTHING gets me angrier than teams who cheat. Aside from the obvious issues.... What are these owners teaching the kids??? They cant win without cheating? That its ok to break rules to get what you want? They're not good enough to win without cheating?? And these owners are setting HORRIBLE examples for impressionable young athletes. These coaches are supposed to be POSITIVE role models. I think the parents need to stand up against these owners and teach their kids that cheating is NOT ok. I would not be ok with my childs self worth suffering just to have an advantage over another team.. No title is worth my daughters self esteem. Any win would not be a true win anyways. Who can celebrate a cheated title?
also, because we have people close to the age limit, our gym requires copies of your birth certificate to have on hand with the directors for every competeition.. this way, if anyone is in questioning of their age, we have all the records of every athlete :)
our gym does this too. It's a pain to make a copy but ou only need to do it once and it's nice to know my gym cares about following the rules.
Instead of having a regular average Joe check ID's that couldn't tell a fake ID from a real one... I think USASF should hire a few ID Specialist to check all Birth Cert. or ID's at check in!!!!... The Athletes will walk in like you are in the airport to Registration and warm-ups with ID in hand. You see the Officers, they look you up and down and pass you or not. This would stop the Cheating ;). Only an idiot would try to pass through. But this would make You/ your coach and program Honest and have legit performers on the floor or one of you possibly may Go to Jail for a Federal Offense... I choose Honesty for my kids:D no jail for me!
I just don't see how someone could put a child in a predicament where it is against the law, which will be on their record for the rest of their lives which colleges and future jobs will be looking at if they got charged... Shame on you all that do this! and if you don't like me saying Shame on you all the kiss it b/c I don't care for cheaters!

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