I do realize that you guys know a lot. But maybe I wouldn't get so upset all the time if you guys would stop thinking you're never wrong or COMPLETELY know everything. You guys also don't understand the fact that I don't like sarcasm. I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one, who disagrees with sarcasm. As this is the internet and because I can't exactly "hear" what you're trying to say to say and how you mean for it to be said, it really does make a difference in how I'm going to react to a certain comment whether you want to admit to that or not.
As for grammar and spelling, not everyone is perfect with spelling and grammar. So I really don't appreciate how you guys are saying it should be a rule for this and that, when half of you don't have 100% spelling and grammar. So its not fair to try and base that proposed "new rule" off of me. If you can't see in this thread, I actually TRIED to have okay grammar and spelling. This is a great example to pin point how often you guys think you're perfect.
To the newbies that has given me advice, I appreciate it. I really do. Honestly. However, people like
@quitthedrama @Mamarazzi and so forth, are the main ones who always come on my threads being sarcastic and being rude. Especially
@Mamarazzi. Then never want to admit when they're wrong. A couple of other people I could tag to but I'm just going to stop there.
Because of the fact that I tagged these people, they're going to come back at me harder than ever and deny even more how harsh they have been to me for no apparent reason. I'm deciding to tag them anyway, so they can see that I HAVE GAVE THEM CREDIT. For trying and help me. But all the sarcasm, especially for one that doesn't like sarcasm or understand it, and don't really think its a good form of communication for forums like this, its uncalled for.
When I came on this board, it was not my intention to be a "troll" or come off as rude, disrespectful and immature. I intentionally came on this board to get HELP with starting up an All star cheer program in the near future. I thought I was going to get decent help. Not insulting me over my poor spelling and grammar, and what not. You guys didn't even ask if I had someone hired to intentionally help me with advertising and marketing. Because I did. You just all assumed a lot of things about me that were not true.
Because of all this, I am leaving the boards for a while whether you care or not. Some of you will never realize how your harsh words can effect and hurt people and cause them to react a certain way. Especially when you're behind a computer screen and don't know two cents about the person.
Even if I did start my cheerleading program, I would probably go recreational or Pop Warner first. Just so I can have experience with a smaller program before I move on to something big like All star. I do care about kids safety. Believe it or not, I was abused as a child, when I cheered in middle school, my coach did not care about safety. I know abuse doesn't really have anything concerning cheer, but it all goes like this, because my coach did not care about our teams safety in middle school, and because I have been with people all my life who just DID NOT CARE, I refuse to be that type of coach.
I will make sure all my kids have master all lower level skills, before I move them up to the next level. I will also have other instructors who have been background checked and passed, to be tumbling and stunting coaches and so forth. I'm not that kind of person who thinks I can do everything on my own. But everyone isn't perfect.
That's my main issue with the vast majority of you who post on my threads. You think you're perfect. No one is, we all make mistakes. It really isn't doing you any favors by keep bringing up the fact that I catfished the board when I already apologized for that, its getting you or my self anywhere when you keep bringing it up.
I brought that up because someone did bring that up on this thread or another recent one that I posted.