@CharlotteASMom, I must agree with your statements, my daughter has only been in the sport for 4 years, but we already have been priced out of the sport. In her first 2 years the sport was extremely reasonable... I remembered her traveling with the team, with me doing limited out of state traveling with her. Suddenly, her 2nd year, I must traveled with the team, taking off from my job and paying the additional hotel, flight fees, etc... The cost to attend NCA in just 2 years
double and with STP, there is no way to mitigate the cost.
Why the sudden need to buy yearly designer individualized practice wear, buying yearly uniforms, specialized bows for every outfit and 2 or more sneakers, special warmup suits, etc....In retrospect, I started feeling like this sport has become more of a superficial event with judgements come from judging, which gym have best practice wear and uniform than the other gym...
My first 2 years, I spent about $50 at the most, on practice wear, which comprised of 2 tee shirts, 2 soffe shorts with matching ribbons, the athlete tied in their ponytail as a bow to practice.... I blame the parents and the gyms, who have become so superficial and it appears as an outsider, that it is superficial things that determines whom the best...jmo