I'm curious as to whether you pay for all star cheer. I just did a quick calculation of my costs this year. About $2,500 will go directly to my gym for tuition, practicewear, choreography, camp, etc. I consider this extremely reasonable. However, about $6,250 will go to competition fees and travel. This is strictly the athlete comp fees and travel expenses for her and one adult. No extras, minimal food, and does not include the expense for Worlds, so if they get a bid it could increase by $500-$1,200 depending on what type of bid is received. That is $8-10k for one athlete. I have a good job, I fundraise, and CP and I work a second job, and it is still a struggle. The sad part is the gym only gets 20-25% of the amount that is costs for my CP to cheer.
Granted CP's team may travel more than some other gyms, but I can definitely see why people are getting priced out of cheer.