See now #2-#4 I am totally on board for. These are all legitimate reasons and had you brought them up from the beginning, I would've more completely understood your decision. I hope you can see why I had an issue with just the statement of "it looks stupid". I had a cheer coach in 7th grade who didn't let a girl fly because she was Mexican and all the other flyers were white. She said it would look "off" because she wouldn't "match" the other flyers. This is immediately where my brain went when your only argument was how it looked. However, I can 100% see your point of view now that you've elaborated more, and I respect your decision to not let boys fly.
Thanks for taking the time to elaborate, I greatly appreciate it.
@ErinS I somewhat addressed your post in this as well. To me, given the argument of "it looks stupid", I saw no difference between OldskoolKYcheercoach and the coach I had in 7th grade who told my best friend she couldn't fly because of her skin color, with the only reason being "it looks different". Now that there's been an elaboration, while I don't wholeheartedly agree with every point that was made, I can
certainly see the difference in situations.