Roy and her three pointers were making us sweat, tbh[emoji14](Is her power in her hair? Serious question.) SC def played hard though and took some nasty spills. Hopefully they are all ok, Coates specifically. She looked hurt during those last minute free throws.
Her hair is flawless. I've spent all season watching it, wondering how. As a fellow black woman....seriously how. It's like she doesn't have sweat glands in her scalp. It's just flawless and bounces
Anyway. The problem is that Tina Roy was "on" and people like Tiffiany Mitchell and Khadijah Sessions were off. Tina Roy, while a good player (our bench truly has depth ) does not put up performances like that typically and I knew she wouldn't be able to sustain it.
It's particularly sad since the 3 are seasons. Tina has her best game all year and loses, but Tiff and Khadijah have their worst game all year and contributes to the loss. Hard to reconcile.
That's why I posted that this game was bad for my nerves when Carolina was up by 11, I knew that if key players didn't pick it up in the second half it was a sinking ship. Syracuse was a good team, no disputing that but the reality is, and I say this as someone that has seen or been to every GamecockWBB this season, that what happened last night is a fluke and they truly lost to themselves. What happened wasn't typical
But the good thing about Carolina is that our bench is great. Our starters our great. Our seniors were great. Our underclassmen are great. Our coach is great and our c/o 16 signees are great. This is not where it ends, definitely a bright future ahead for that whole program. This time next year I'll be able to use annual leave and I'll be heading to go see them play in the Final Four [emoji1497][emoji1497][emoji1497]
UConns Briana Stewart and Moriah Jefferson will have graduated and it'll probably give some other team a chance to shine [emoji23].
(Now that Carolina is out, I too can admit that ain't nobody beating those machines this year. Watch Moriah play. She plays the entire game and never gets tired. It's not normal)
Also. The Day twins are good, still don't like home girls attitude and their eyeliner bothered my spirit.