Wasn't trying to attack your post, however you stated if they hit like they did at Cheersport day 1 then they have a good shot at jackets and globes. In many divisions 6 points was the difference between 1st and as low as 7th and 8th place. When you throw the other two big contenders into the mix with them, 6 points in deductions when others hit will get them third. So basically, the other two need equal to more amounts of mistakes than them, or Senior Elite needs to hit better than they have hit all year long for a shot. That's not saying they don't have a shot, but the general consensus is they are extremely inconsistent this year. Their best performance was watered down, and still had multiple mistakes, it just so happened that none of them involved their stunts so they gave the illusion of hitting. F5 and WC definitely out difficulty them in almost every category on the score sheet. SE edges out pyramid, but they're no longer dominating stunts in this division. My (hopefully non offensive) is that hit for hit Senior Elite is third best in the division. Others make mistakes and Senior Elite hits, the titles theirs. All three hit, I just don't see them outscoring WC and F5.