Negative comments are not the realization of a problem... they are the result of someone who didn't listen to their Grandmother. Negative comments won't lead to fixing of a problem if there is no problem to begin with, and in the teams opinion, as well as the parents, there is no problem. The IO5 team are all adults. If they have problems with the uni they can speak for themselves, and clearly the team liked them or they wouldn't have worn them. And comparing it to the girls being naked is just absolutely ridiculous. Seriously!?! They're wearing shorts and tops. I have seen bloomers expose more in stunts than these shorts ever will. And last I checked, I have seen no majority who don't like the uni.
My grandmother always used to say, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I'm going to stick with that one, because Grandmothers always know best. And by the way, my Grandmother loved the uni... and she lives in Arkansas!!!
First of all, in general, noting that something might not be perfect is the only way to fix it. For example, when teams go through routines, coaches take the time to point out the "problem areas" and things that need to be changed. If they spent the whole time going "great job, perfect, flawless!", Suzie there in the back would have bent wrists for the rest of eternity. Noting a problem will fix it...ignoring it will not. I had to write an SAT essay last year about dissatisfaction prompting change, which is what my general idea there was. Anyway, I wasn't saying the uniform was a "problem", just disagreeing with your stance on expressing negative feelings.
Second, note I said "extreme" comparison. It was a comparison involving clothing and different cultural norms. Found it fitting and somewhat relative. I was not saying the girls were naked...not even close. Perhaps you'd be more comfortable with a different comparison: Say I travel to an area of the Middle East where women traditionally wear burkas. If I come in wearing shorts and a tank top, people would probably have a lot to say. I'm just pointing out the essence of the issue: when you spend your time in a culture different than your own, you should adapt appropriately.
Third, reading through this thread, a pretty solid majority of the posts regarding the uniform were not in favor of it. I did not take a poll of all of the people at Worlds on their opinion, but decided that if a discussion revolving around a uniform has a majority of people not totally digging it, that's probably the general consensus. Forgive me if I am incorrect and most people love the uniform and find it appropriate.
Fourth, I made no comments in saying that the team does not like the uniform or that they should say something about it, so I'm not sure why that's even relevant. Anyway. Obviously you all are surrounded by a culture in which this style of clothing is normal. I don't think it should be shocking when people outside of the culture don't agree with the choice of cut (which seems to be the big issue here) of the uniform. Y'all obviously live in a culture where it's appropriate, and, outside of said culture, it is not.
Fifth, the uniform was obviously designed to make a statement. Something so bold will always be commented on (which I assume was the intention), positively or negatively. Hoping that people will only say nice things is unreasonable on an opinionated message board about an opinion-based sport. Just because someone does not like the uniform and will tell you does not mean that they have poor manners, which is what it sounds like you're implying with your grandmother comment.
Sixth, if I ever make it to Arkansas, I'll say hi to your grandmother.