All-Star New Uniforms At Worlds

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The last thing I will contribute to this discussion is this:
A)I'm from CT (the 'dreaded, evil conservative as a 1700s Puritan north' as everyone from the Miami area of Florida seems to refer to us as, which is amusing to me considering the majority of the north is made of blue states), and go to school in NYC. I am, generally speaking (it depends on the person I'm looking at), about as afraid of/weirded out by nudity as I am of water. I am an actress, I've gotten naked on stage and could care less, and will do so if the role requires it. I celebrate the naked human form as a beautiful work of nature. That doesn't mean I WANT to see someone/everyone naked. Quite frankly, 'you' may be attractive, but unless I'm going to a specified location where that's what I'm paying to see, it's not high on my agenda. Yes, I go to the beach, and I've been to topless ones. I love the beach..but I DON'T go to stare at naked people/people in swimsuits or because I want to see other people run around in swimsuits, I go to swim/hang out with my friends or family. I've been skinny dipping and it's super fun and it's no biggie. 'Skimpy' swimsuits/nudity is not a requirement for the beach. When I go to a competition, I'm there to watch athletic skill, not wonder if one shimmy-shake is going to send a top flying and the girls a-waving. Revealing lots of skin isn't a requirement on the score sheet, nor is it a requirement for a performance. To do so 'because you can' and because nobody has stopped you is pointless. To use 'culture' as a "excuse" for behavior is also, to me, a cop out. There are plenty of gyms in Florida who seem to keep their uniforms at a more "appropriate" cut and length across the board..This is cheer, not a fashion show/body-showoff competition. (although some people would disagree :P) I'd like to take this moment to briefly direct your attention to the uniforms worn by other Latin-American countries..which is this supposed 'cultural origin.' *Flashes laser pointer at VOD for those who have it, I don't but I remember*

B)Putting younger girls in a uniform that emphasizes cleavage when some of them are not legally adults is, to me, NOT the best idea. Just because a parent is ok with something, doesn't mean it's a good idea. I could make the usual extreme arguments, but I'll just leave it at that. (This second bit is not directed at anyone or any parent in particular, just a general overall statement, which also is reminding me about that single ladies dance with the little girls and the discussions people had about THOSE girls parents. Many of which were not that...friendly and a lot less polite than the discussion we're having.) [I didn't mean for this to be a book. I blame writing my finals papers on my extensive length lol]
@kristenthegreat (I'd quote but it's just too long) I am siting at the dentist just cracking word everything hysterically hahaha

@John Butler , I've never had it, but I'm open to all new food experiences! Especially anything with "fried" attached to it.
@kristenthegreat (I'd quote but it's just too long) I am siting at the dentist just cracking word everything hysterically hahaha

@John Butler , I've never had it, but I'm open to all new food experiences! Especially anything with "fried" attached to it.
I try to word everything thoroughly so my point gets across in the way I think it doesn't help that A) My brain is nuts and has spaz attacks and B) This usually results in me writing a book and people skipping over the important parts for the things they can argue with.

I also have never had okra but they always cook it on Down Home with the Neelys and it looks tasty. 'Fried' is one of my favorite words...
I'm going to get flamed for this, but that's ok. I'm a big girl. But I think the "we're from Miami and it's our culture" argument is kind of a cop out.

I have said the same thing before, about the "i'm from Miami so it is ok." Sure you are from Miami so wear that uniform around Miami not around Disney, Dallas, and everywhere else they go for competition. I don't care if they are adults, the majority of athletes at Worlds or any other cheer competition are NOT adults so please just cover up.

While there was only one problem with a girls goodies popping out when you watch the routine you can see the girls with the big chest flopping around. Sorry but that is NOT attractive. It is really sad too because all of those girls are gorgeous and amazing athletes. This uniforms takes AWAY from the performance not helping it. The less material on the uniform does not make the routine better or look more athletic. I just hate seeing a team like this not get the recognition they deserved this weekend because of their uniform. Seriously this thread talked more about them from worlds then the Worlds Chatter thread did and they WON.

As for the Semi uniform, The only problem is the cleavage, that should be an easy fix. I personally loved the White uniform they wore at worlds last year they were pushing it but still covered enough.
I am really impressed when after some exceedingly strong and opposing opinions were expressed, it cooled down and there were some really amusing posts made. Too me, it was just the exhibiting of some very mature behavior that allowed for that expression of those opinions without devolving into the childishness sometimes seen on here. Kudos.
What was sad, to me, was that to this day (4 days after worlds), I STILL don't know how IOC5 did day 1. That's because nobody was posting about their routine, and EVERYBODY was posting about the uni malfunction. Just 'cause you can score a routine, doesn't mean the unis aren't distracting/not athletically inclined. I don't doubt their talent- cause they have it in spades. It's just a shame when more people are concerned about how much of the 'girls' they're seeing as opposed to the girls on the floor..

Well, day 1 and after BOTH day 2 performances, they had the highest score in that division ALL three times. Even with a slight bobble, a touch down, and apparently a malfunction (which i didn't see myself but not saying it didn't happen) on Day 1, TG had a 272.03, Brandon had a 270, and Wildcats had a 266.8. It's apparent that the judges are people who are more concerned with the skill that is exhibited on the floor, and at the end of the day, it's only the judges opinion that matters.
Well, day 1 and after BOTH day 2 performances, they had the highest score in that division ALL three times. Even with a slight bobble, a touch down, and apparently a malfunction (which i didn't see myself but not saying it didn't happen) on Day 1, TG had a 272.03, Brandon had a 270, and Wildcats had a 266.8. It's apparent that the judges are people who are more concerned with the skill that is exhibited on the floor, and at the end of the day, it's only the judges opinion that matters.

I don't think @kristenthegreat was talking about the judges perspective. We all know how amazing TG is. She was strictly speaking on the uniform and the audience reaction. I agree with others...just because they live in Miami, is not a good enough excuse. Sorry
i'm going to say the same thing i've been saying all year, YA'LL ARE TRYING TOO HARD. clearly the number of bedazzles, cut outs, bizzarre patterns and what not htat you have on your uniform isn't going to help you place any higher.... or make what you're doing any easier (in reference to the pulling/tugging/rearranging)

and for those of you who have your panties in a bunch, just let it go. everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and if there's one thing i've learned from these boards over the years its that everyone has to be right 100% of the time or its chaos. so i advise 4 doses of rainbows and butterflies every 4 to 6 hours.
that is all :)
I don't think @kristenthegreat was talking about the judges perspective. We all know how amazing TG is. She was strictly speaking on the uniform and the audience reaction. I agree with others...just because they live in Miami, is not a good enough excuse. Sorry

I'm from South Florida and I don't think the intention was using "living in Miami" as an excuse. I think the point they were trying to make was more about the culture and the view point on the human body. Miami is a cultural melting pot and alot of these cultures are very comfortable with the human body and exposing it to some degree. I think we happen to live in an area where lots of skin showing isn't a big deal and/or viewed upon as sexual. I do understand that the rest of the U.S. isn't like that. By the amount of the cheers that were going on, I doubt anyone turned their head when Top Gun was on because they found the uniform offensive.

IMO the shorts are more conservative than the length of most of the cheer skirts I saw this weekend. I saw plenty of rear-ends hanging out. Didn't offend me. I know that stuff happens when you are performing. I also saw plenty of young ladies pulling down what most of you would call "normal" tops. I saw young men with their pants hanging off their rear ends as well I think it's just hard to perform at that level, with the amount of activity they do, without some kind of wardrobe issue.

I've said before, I don't really care if people don't like the uniform, or think it's too revealing or inappropriate. I do care if they use verbiage that's insulting. I also care if they don't get their facts straight. I was as close to the stage as you can get without being on it and there were not chests "flopping around". Semi didn't have any wardrobe malfunctions.

Anyhow, Worlds was a blast and happy posting!
Err, umm, I meant eat it in a Top Gun uniform of course... same thing right.

haha made me laugh (:
i LOVE tg's unis.. always have . there so unique . and seriously no other team could pull them off and rock them . i think thats why everyone is offended by them . and honestly they shouldnt say anything.. if they dont like them then dont take your kids to topgun ! i mean its simple. obvioulsy the top gun parents and athletes dont have a problem with them , or they wouldnt have bought them or been at TG.

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