- Dec 14, 2009
- 7,234
- 19,629
The last thing I will contribute to this discussion is this:
A)I'm from CT (the 'dreaded, evil conservative as a 1700s Puritan north' as everyone from the Miami area of Florida seems to refer to us as, which is amusing to me considering the majority of the north is made of blue states), and go to school in NYC. I am, generally speaking (it depends on the person I'm looking at), about as afraid of/weirded out by nudity as I am of water. I am an actress, I've gotten naked on stage and could care less, and will do so if the role requires it. I celebrate the naked human form as a beautiful work of nature. That doesn't mean I WANT to see someone/everyone naked. Quite frankly, 'you' may be attractive, but unless I'm going to a specified location where that's what I'm paying to see, it's not high on my agenda. Yes, I go to the beach, and I've been to topless ones. I love the beach..but I DON'T go to stare at naked people/people in swimsuits or because I want to see other people run around in swimsuits, I go to swim/hang out with my friends or family. I've been skinny dipping and it's super fun and it's no biggie. 'Skimpy' swimsuits/nudity is not a requirement for the beach. When I go to a competition, I'm there to watch athletic skill, not wonder if one shimmy-shake is going to send a top flying and the girls a-waving. Revealing lots of skin isn't a requirement on the score sheet, nor is it a requirement for a performance. To do so 'because you can' and because nobody has stopped you is pointless. To use 'culture' as a "excuse" for behavior is also, to me, a cop out. There are plenty of gyms in Florida who seem to keep their uniforms at a more "appropriate" cut and length across the board..This is cheer, not a fashion show/body-showoff competition. (although some people would disagree :P) I'd like to take this moment to briefly direct your attention to the uniforms worn by other Latin-American countries..which is this supposed 'cultural origin.' *Flashes laser pointer at VOD for those who have it, I don't but I remember*
B)Putting younger girls in a uniform that emphasizes cleavage when some of them are not legally adults is, to me, NOT the best idea. Just because a parent is ok with something, doesn't mean it's a good idea. I could make the usual extreme arguments, but I'll just leave it at that. (This second bit is not directed at anyone or any parent in particular, just a general overall statement, which also is reminding me about that single ladies dance with the little girls and the discussions people had about THOSE girls parents. Many of which were not that...friendly and a lot less polite than the discussion we're having.) [I didn't mean for this to be a book. I blame writing my finals papers on my extensive length lol]
A)I'm from CT (the 'dreaded, evil conservative as a 1700s Puritan north' as everyone from the Miami area of Florida seems to refer to us as, which is amusing to me considering the majority of the north is made of blue states), and go to school in NYC. I am, generally speaking (it depends on the person I'm looking at), about as afraid of/weirded out by nudity as I am of water. I am an actress, I've gotten naked on stage and could care less, and will do so if the role requires it. I celebrate the naked human form as a beautiful work of nature. That doesn't mean I WANT to see someone/everyone naked. Quite frankly, 'you' may be attractive, but unless I'm going to a specified location where that's what I'm paying to see, it's not high on my agenda. Yes, I go to the beach, and I've been to topless ones. I love the beach..but I DON'T go to stare at naked people/people in swimsuits or because I want to see other people run around in swimsuits, I go to swim/hang out with my friends or family. I've been skinny dipping and it's super fun and it's no biggie. 'Skimpy' swimsuits/nudity is not a requirement for the beach. When I go to a competition, I'm there to watch athletic skill, not wonder if one shimmy-shake is going to send a top flying and the girls a-waving. Revealing lots of skin isn't a requirement on the score sheet, nor is it a requirement for a performance. To do so 'because you can' and because nobody has stopped you is pointless. To use 'culture' as a "excuse" for behavior is also, to me, a cop out. There are plenty of gyms in Florida who seem to keep their uniforms at a more "appropriate" cut and length across the board..This is cheer, not a fashion show/body-showoff competition. (although some people would disagree :P) I'd like to take this moment to briefly direct your attention to the uniforms worn by other Latin-American countries..which is this supposed 'cultural origin.' *Flashes laser pointer at VOD for those who have it, I don't but I remember*
B)Putting younger girls in a uniform that emphasizes cleavage when some of them are not legally adults is, to me, NOT the best idea. Just because a parent is ok with something, doesn't mean it's a good idea. I could make the usual extreme arguments, but I'll just leave it at that. (This second bit is not directed at anyone or any parent in particular, just a general overall statement, which also is reminding me about that single ladies dance with the little girls and the discussions people had about THOSE girls parents. Many of which were not that...friendly and a lot less polite than the discussion we're having.) [I didn't mean for this to be a book. I blame writing my finals papers on my extensive length lol]