All-Star New Venue For Worlds 2012

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Ok this is what I have been thinking that adresses a combination of problems we have been discussing on the boards:
-USASF regulates when to start season and when to end it. Let's say gyms can't have tryouts until (at the earliest) May 1st.
- First competition in December
-Last competition in March
-Worlds at end of march.

-This would limit the # of pointless competitions that no one goes to but maybe like 5 gyms. You know, those competitions where the majority of your teams at your gym are the only ones competing in their division.
-This would make the season a little shorter. Hopefully leading to less injuries.
-less competitions = less bids (hopefully)
-Worlds wouldn't be at the end of semesters for schools. Many people have important tests in high school and college. It's difficult to focus on both.
-Cheerleaders need to have an off-season. This would at least start a 2month off-season. lol. It would be their choice if they want to go to tumbling classes or whatever, as long as it isn't a team class or practice.
- Force the coaches to have their team ready by August since the season ends in March. I feel like it would also weed out bad teams that wouldn't be ready because of other reasons (didn't take summer seriously, coaches didn't prepare them well enough, etc.)

I think this kind of season schedule addresses lots of problems that we have been discussing. I feel like worlds is way too late in the season, too many teams attend it, and our season needs to change. Thoughts?

I had to fly home from worlds yesterday after awards because I had my AP Chemistry test today. I missed most large senior... Worlds needs to be moved. Currently it is at such an unconvienient time for most people, me included. Maybe it was because Easter was really late this year and they had to push worlds back but I wish it was earlier in the season. They need to limit the number of bids because it's getting ridiculous. I've been attending worlds since 2004 because my sister was on Cheer Athletics. That was the real worlds. Not just because there were only two divisions, but because the teams there were the only ones who deserved to be there.
anyone remember the very first year of worlds when the only teams that went were the teams that one the major national competitions? winners of UCA, NCA, maybe Cheersport and a few other biggies. THAT was worlds. THAT was the BEST Of the BEST! maybe we should revisit that and go back to that structure or something similar.

Totally agree!! The first ever Worlds had 14 teams..ONE video tape! (lol Yes I didn't even have a DVD player then!!)
I think they need to start taking into account that most (if not all) all star cheerleaders are academically focused and having a major comp right in the middle of SATS/ACTS, finals, ect. is crazy.
What if prelims were decided via regional comps or video. So Podunk All Stars gets an At Large bid and in order to compete at Worlds you must post a 230 or better (just using someone's number example from earlier). So either have regional comps where at large and partial teams compete to decide if they even make it to the BIG show. OR they need to send in video, it is judged by a panel and then they are notified if their score is over 230 and they are invited to Orlando to finals?
ahh ! i really do agree that seating there sucks but im hoping that if they do change venues that they dont move it too far away because i go every year & if they change it, my mom wont let us fly just to watchh ahah
Disney is a huge attraction for the international teams, moving the competition across America each year would put off the majority of international teams as trying to arrange travel etc would just be a nightmare! Worlds, for most of the team i went with , is our holiday ... and might I add one of the most expensive holidays I've ever had!

In the UK (and I know we are a small fish compared to america but we all have to follow the same rules) I don't know of any company who gives paid bids, this year I only heard of one company giving out a partial paid bid. So if at-large bids were eliminated everyone in the UK looses their chance to compete at worlds!

As far as the seating arrangements (I wasn't at worlds this year but have been in the past) if I had traveled from the other side of the world, paid a small fortune, feeling severely jet-lagged and was asked to leave my seat and watch the competition on a screen I would be OUTRAGED!!! I do feel the family and other team members of the team competing are priority when their team is on but is that not what the section infront of the matt is for (or at least it was when I was there). Other than that why should I give up my seat so someone else can watch large senior, what makes that other person so important!

I do agree that the date is very inconvenient for UK exams aswell. My honours exams for university are the week following worlds, the last time I was at world I flew home to scotland on the monday to give my end of year graded university presentation. I am glad I took the chance while I was in first year to come out and compete, but my grade suffered massively as I was a jet-lagged disaster!! Earlier would be better for the UK aswell, we have a different season from the USA though, for most teams we start competing in March and finish our season in July at the latest so worlds for some teams is their first or second comp of the season!!!

I do hope USASF look at is from everyones point of view before making any changes to worlds!
im not sure about the details, but georgia is actually getting what is supposed to be a huge sports complex near kingston if anyone knows where that is? Like i said, i dont know the details, and the actual numbers, size wise, but if it's any bigger than the one in orlando, im all for moving it to georgia once this thing gets built, which wont be for years.
No because all the California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Washington teams would go to the one in California.
All the Texas teams and all teams in that area would go too Dallas
And all the east coast area teams would go to Atlanta.
No Jamfest Indy
There needs to be a Jamfest Indy bid too, because Chicago, Indy, ect are nowhere near Atlanta or Dallas.
On another note, I agree with reducing bids. At NCA a team was in 11th place and got at-large bid, just because all of the other teams in that division already had bids. I believe that if you are in 11th place, you don't need a bid...
There could be alot of things done to eliminate the problem. First they could eliminate the number of at large bids given out at smaller competitions. The next thing they could do is get more use out of jostens. Trust me I know everyone hates it because it doesnt have the "milk house feel". But it would make the other areas much less crowded. Another thing they could do is eliminate semi finals or have teams just compete one day. Like all girl teams day one and coed teams day two. (some sort of half way split)
Having a universal scoring system for the teams trying to make it to Worlds is definitely the way to go. As long as its realistic! And if so, it will limit the bids I'm sure!

Compared to the high school cheerleading way of life, all stars is a lot more disorganized if you think about it (when it comes to being eligible to move onto the biggest competition there is). For high school, there is Leagues, Regionals, States, and then Nationals (I might have forgotten one?)...All of which the chances to move on get smaller and smaller! And who do you see at Nationals? The best of the best. I know that Nationals and Worlds are completely different but I am just comparing cheerleading's biggest 2 competitions. And the difference there is towards making it there.

Of course the all star industry is huuuuge and keeps getting bigger! But the chances of making it to Worlds has to be fixed..
wayyy too many teams at worlds! It would be wonderful if somehow they could limit the number of bids
No because all the California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Washington teams would go to the one in California.

All the Texas teams and all teams in that area would go too Dallas

And all the east coast area teams would go to Atlanta.

No Jamfest Indy

ONLY 3 competitions. It wouldnt be any different from Dallas or Atlanta now just that you have to go there go get a worlds bid and let me erasure at those competitions the ones who deserve to be at worlds will be there when your competing against the best there's no way you can get handed a bid because all teams have one already when all the best teams will be there getting one as their only competition they can get one. THEN at worlds the best of the best will compete against each other from the west coast, Midwest and east coast

Sorry this was so long

Just out of curiosity why not Indy? Kinda unfair to those of us that live here. If you look at a map of the US your plan kinda excludes half of it. So basically if you live in the south...good. you can afford to go get a bid AND get to worlds. Indy is a pretty huge competition...not sure why you'd exclude it?
Ok, so it started at Disney and will always be there. I'd love to see a venue change but there is just too much MONEY to be made in Orlando for it to be moved PLUS the ESPN side.

Now, that being said, IF the venue does not change USASF NEEDS TO LIMIT BIDS. I've said it 1,000 times and I'll say it 1,000 more and I'll be at every conf I can go to and write as many e-mails as I can to everyone I can.
Number of teams competing isn't the problem. It's the spectators. Economics 101 says if the demand increases, the price goes up. So if the weekend price for viewing Worlds goes to $100 or $200 instead of $50, we'll see less spectators.

Doesn't that solve the problem?
Number of teams competing isn't the problem. It's the spectators. Economics 101 says if the demand increases, the price goes up. So if the weekend price for viewing Worlds goes to $100 or $200 instead of $50, we'll see less spectators.

Doesn't that solve the problem?
No it doesn't. Number of teams IS the problem. When you have 70 teams in sm sr. (as an example) if that div has 10 less teams, you cut down on 600+ people crowding the arena on Sunday. 200 Athletes, bring and average of 2 family/friends and 2 coaches per team. If those teams don't get a bid prob 50 of the 600 MIGHT come, but I guarantee the don't all come.

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