All-Star Nightline Episode

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As a person who burns super easily, it boggles my mind to here y'all say you want to know what a sunburn feels like. Umm I can promise you that you don't. :P

The only "good side" to sunburns is it keeps acne at bay for the duration of the burn because it completely kills it. (Like where is the acne even going to start? You don't have pores at that point- you're entire face is just like molten skin lava.)

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I'm Cherokee Indian, Irish, German, and a quarter Croatian (plus some random other stuff but those are the main ones) so I have olive skin with freckles on my face haha. It's such an awkward combination. I get tan easily but my sister is the exact opposite. She has extremely pale skin, red hair, and her body is covered in freckles! She couldn't get a tan if she wanted to, she just burns. We don't look anything alike, most people assume we have different parents lolol.

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I'm thankful for my dad for giving me skin that rarely burns. My sister has my moms skin and burns basically every time she's in the sun, but I rarely ever burn, I've never peeled and if I get a little red it never hurts. I just get a little red my first trip to the pool each summer, but after that I just get dark.

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I'm the same way. I barely burn, except for the first trip to the pool for the summer. My half-sister is a quarter Cherokee, so she tans easily and doesn't burn. My mom burns easily, so I guess I get skin that rarely burns from my dad. I did once find out that after a little over an hour and a half without sunscreen (accident), I will burn though.

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As a person who burns super easily, it boggles my mind to here y'all say you want to know what a sunburn feels like. Umm I can promise you that you don't. :P

The only "good side" to sunburns is it keeps acne at bay for the duration of the burn because it completely kills it. (Like where is the acne even going to start? You don't have pores at that point- you're entire face is just like molten skin lava.)

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I can't imagine what a sunburn would feel like....even with a description. It's like having bad menstrual cramps and expecting your male SO to know what you're going through.

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I can't imagine what a sunburn would feel like....even with a description. It's like having bad menstrual cramps and expecting your male SO to know what you're going through.

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just have someone slap you as hard as they can.. that sting is what sunburn feels like. then you won't have to imagine it ;)
Half Italian with some English, French, and German (American) mutt. I burn easy on some spots and then I hold a tan for ages (if I were to try which, as I've mentioned, I don't).

Except my stomach, where I have hyper-pigmentation in spots. It's kinda embarrassing, so I heavily sunscreen to avoid it showing. You don't even notice when I'm untanned, but being out shirtless in the summer can get awkward.
ive had some horrible sunburns growing up.. i actually have a picture of me when i was 13 with a full blown sunburn covering almost every inch of my body. i looked like a lobster, i couldnt wear normal clothing for about two weeks, and had to wear my older sister's crop tops that were two sizes to big. oh yeah and we had to cut our key west family vaca 3 days short cause i couldnt go anywhere.. lol the only way i can get some color is if i use self tanner lotion, other wise im pale white 365 days of the year.
I can't imagine what a sunburn would feel like....even with a description. It's like having bad menstrual cramps and expecting your male SO to know what you're going through.

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Well, I know when describing anything painful to Bam Bam and get at least some sympathy... I always relate and describe it as being kicked in the male private regions. Bam Bam will always make me go directly to bed and bring me a meal and 2 aspirins...;)
I am medium brown skinned AA and I sympathize greatly with the paler skinned population on FierceBoard... I suffered a sunburn before, I fell asleep on the beach with no sunscreen generously apply on my skin and woke up smelling like a nice ribeye steak and had this excruciating burning sensation all over me... I did not know whether to spread some A1 sauce over me and/or spread some Noxzema cream all over after jumping in a cool shower...So, I did the latter... After about 3 days, believe or not, I started peeling like a snake and peeling that skin off actually felt real good!
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I was at the beach for 2 hours today, sitting under a beach tent and wearing SPF 50 sun screen

Yet here I am with tan lines. My struggle is so real

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I can't imagine what a sunburn would feel like....even with a description. It's like having bad menstrual cramps and expecting your male SO to know what you're going through.

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Sunburns we know, cramps not so much.

It must be true, I saw it on the internet.
If the segment had been titled something different (along the lines of "Going for the Win" or something about all star cheer as I was under the impression the segment would be about) I would be irritated with the footage, but it was about the parents and cheer was just the common link to the parents. It was fine for what it was. The athletes and parents represented themselves well. I was happy they showed Carly as an all around athlete and not just a one trick pony that some have accused her of. I agree with the comments about the hair. We all have had that experience and we get it but it comes across as the kid is acting like a spoiled brat on national television - too "toddlers and tiara like" for me.

I am disappointed that both CA and Cali fed into the stereotypes when they had the opportunity to change it. Sports bras and no shirts are not cute to the general public and both gyms are guilty of solidifying the image many not involved with the sport have. If they had the teams practicing in gym t-shirts it would have gone a long way in promoting a better image instead of tarnishing it more.

Carly's family has a nice house. That's about all I got from it but that's ok since I don't think it was meant for much more.

Proud supporter of the IBFC since 1997
What's wrong with a sports bra?
What's wrong with a sports bra?

To the non cheer world it just doesn't always give off a good image. They could have portrayed being sporty by wearing a tee shirt and shorts. Some non cheerleaders already to think we just run around with barely any clothing on and don't do much for it to be a sport so by wearing barely any clothing on a news segment just validates the "barely any clothing and does nothing" idea.

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