I think the point is that as the people who are actually spending the thousands upon thousands of dollars and years and years to get these kids trained and Worlds ready...we have a reasonable expectation that they will be safe. I have to disagree with my girl @
Mamarazzi (for the first time ever) in that I do of course think it's my job as a parent, but I do also think the gym owners and the USASF
are responsible for at least not looking the other way. Do I think they should do bed checks? Not really. But I am curious as to why they hold the event, it's part of the Worlds weekend package, but they're not responsible? If you send your kid to the prom and they are wasted, at least at my daughter's school, they are thrown out and parents are called. Why is this any different? If the kids are at the block party, which is basically the Worlds Prom, then why are the adults just ignoring the fact that these kids are "falling down drunk"? Not just drinking...falling down, passing out drunk. I'm not saying parents shouldn't be responsible for their own kids - trust me, I will never say that. I'm just saying that if you are a responsible ADULT and you see these kids literally passed out in the bushes or falling down on the sidewalk...why the $@%* wouldn't you do something??.